1 posted on
03/08/2003 8:49:31 PM PST by
To: rdb3; Khepera; elwoodp; MAKnight; condolinda; mafree; Trueblackman; FRlurker; Teacher317; ...
There's not a snowball's chance in hell that Al would get that much.
Black conservative ping
If you want on (or off) of my black conservative ping list, please let me know via FREEPmail. (And no, you don't have to be black to be on the list!)
Extra warning: this is a high-volume ping list.
2 posted on
03/08/2003 8:50:28 PM PST by
("Bill, you ignorant slut")
To: Pokey78
I wonder if the Democrats have considered Larry Flynt. He certainly came through for Bill, and he reflects their core values.
To: Pokey78
Someone else they might consider is Charlie Manson. His current circumstances could present a problem, though not an insurmountable one, and he reflects not only the Democrats' core values but also their logic.
7 posted on
03/08/2003 9:05:31 PM PST by
Savage Beast
(Libertarians for Sharpton or Manson)
To: Pokey78
Oops! Wrong tag line (sorry, Al).
8 posted on
03/08/2003 9:07:53 PM PST by
Savage Beast
(Libertarians for Flynt or Manson)
To: Pokey78
look for a strong effort to draft Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton. She's running in 2004. Obviously not willing to wait for 2008. Hillary is already running the RAT party by blocking Estrada. This is a test. Just how much power does Hillary really have? More than I care to admit. I hope she *isses off everyone in her party before she is finished. It couldn't happen to a bigger, more arrogant piece of trash.
10 posted on
03/08/2003 9:16:15 PM PST by
To: Pokey78
Rush is endorsing Sharpton's nomination big-time.
I suggest that we FReepers do all we can to promote that possibility as well.
12 posted on
03/08/2003 9:44:07 PM PST by
(Don't believe every tagline you read - including this one)
To: Pokey78
Sharpton is a lying, drug dealing, extortionist, race hustler pig of a humanoid. That being said, he loves to ferociously dish it out to the truly obnoxious evil white liberals who are the "massas" of the democrat plantation.
Sharpton particularly dispises all things Clinton and Kennedy, in Michael Savage type of detailed particulars. Hillary truly wants him dead, for the dirt (truth) he drops on her.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
17 posted on
03/08/2003 11:27:36 PM PST by
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