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To: awgie2
This world is about to change ... Thanks to this administration....

It's about time.

Rumsfield wants to give the military their own CIA..he is not happy with the CIA... what a power monger!

It's about time. Over the years the leftists practically destroyed the operational capabilities of the CIA. Hence, 911 and 3,000 lives lost, the 1993 World Trade Center attack, attacks on U.S. embassys, and an attack on a U.S. Navy ship. Eliminating the control of leftists over our intelligence operations is in the interest of national security, and is, therefore, a practical decision.

Turkey rejects billions ..the Kurds hate the northern front, means more American lives lost.. the Kurds want to go to war with the Turks...9 billion to Israel!

And your point is?

N. Korea buzzes an unarmed spi plane of ours...typical saber rattling..has been going on for years..what does Bush do..assign our fighter jets to fly along side these spi planes...great, so now, out in the middle of no where they can fire on these outdated migs..and we have a nuclear exchange.. the Korean people die by the tens of thousands...first three day death our military..15,000 to 20.000 American soldiers, 100,000+ South Koreans, Seol will be completely destroyed by an estimated 500,000 artillery and rocket rounds. Japan will be fired upon...estimated deaths by our military in Japan 10,000+.

Yes, the Clinton Administration (plus Carter) sure made a mess of things in North Korea. But, no worry. Dubya will clean it up.

Estimated military personal needed to fight in Afganistan, Irag, Korea..2 million ... guess we will reinstate the draft...this time though make all the ones who did not serve during Viet Nam regardless of drafted. Along with all of our young men...remember the French movie ''Wars of Passion"...all the well to do will be spared the threat of dieing abroad.

The war in North Korea will be swift, and require no ground troops. The fall-out will present a minor problem, but nothing to be alarmed about. After the U.S. and Britain put Saddam and his murderous son in the ground, the U.N. will be begging the U.S. coalition to let "U.N." troops take charge of "nation building" (Russia, France, and Germany will take the lead for the U.N. -- they have the most to cover up in Iraq). No need for a U.S. military draft.

Forget Social Security Forget MediCare

It is about time. Those greedy senior citizens deserve to be ignored.

What a difference two years makes.... A prosperous nation, low unemployment the American dream within reach of all welfare was being eliminated crime was dropping big time A SURPLUS so big that our nations future looked great for all.

Yea, the market boom that began in 1985 during the Reagan Administration took a sharp downturn in March of 2000, 10 months before Dubya took office. Major causes were the spike in oil prices, the Microsoft suit by the Clinton (In)Justice Department, the rise in interest rates (Greenspan's excuse, "the economy is growing too fast"), and the explosion of the phony Internet Bubble. By the time Dubya took over in January 2001, the NASDAQ had lost half its value and was still on a downturn (so were the other markets since much of the economy is interrelated). Before the markets could recover, there was 911, and then the accounting scandals (which, in itself, had created an artificial market bubble in the economy). Tie that to the constant obstruction by the Dashle controlled Senate, which denied our nation a reasonable economic stimulus, and it's a damn wonder we are not in a depression. Thank Dubya for holding our nation and economy together.

Today.. As did his Father ..record dificit spending ...for the war machine.

Yep, Dubya had no choice but to rebuild the military after 8 years of neglect by Clinton.

Highest unemployment since George senior was in office.

Unemployment which was caused by a recession Dubya interited from Clinton.

OIL>>>Gas prices hitting 2 dollars per gallon - with no regulation or concern from Bush.

Dubya has no direct control of the leftist government of Venezuela (the primary cause of the current oil deficit), but to say Dubya is not concerned is ignorant.

Duct tape

You got me on that one.

and visquine?

You got me again. I have no clue what that means.

Fastest - Rising crime - in 50 years!

You scooped all the news channels on that one. I had not idea our crime rate was rising, and I keep up with the news.

Every state is at a record deficit..worst since WWII.

That happens when the market bubbles burst and recession takes hold. It also happens when state governments spend (and spend and spend and ...) like there is no tomorrow, which is the cause of their deficits.

ENRON - quietly disappearing...

Yep, when the demon-crats realized the accounting scandals began during the Clinton administration (Bill even played golf with Ken Lay), and that many of the corrupt corporations were major contributors to democratic campaigns (particularly those in the accounting and banking industries), and that Chris Dodd was chiefly responsible for the legislation that caused this mess (yes, Chris Dodd, in 1996), then it is no wonder the demon-crats finally shut up.

Record pension backruptcy's Record home forclosures Record personal bankruptcys. Lowest consumer confidence since...George senior was in office..

Yep, when the great economy Clinton inherited from Reagan and Bush Senior lost its steam it caused all sorts of problems. Then there was 911, the accounting scandals, and the obstruction by the Daschle senate (which continues even now).

Absolutely no domestic economic policy...

Dubya has a great economic policy. Obstruction by the Dashle-controlled senate has prevented its implementation.

oh..record tax breaks for the rich , thats the current policy!

Duh...the rich are about the only ones left paying any taxes. The top 50% of wage earners pay 96% of the taxes (Duh, again).

A foreign policy that simply has fallen on its face..

I am certain you meant to say that Dubya inherited a foreign policy that had fallen on its face, and that he is doing a remarkable job of cleaning up the mess. You did mean that, didn't you.

Directing the IRS to concentrate more on low income tax evaders...forget the BILLIONS being ripped off by corporate America!

That is another scoop by you. Did you you ever considering starting your own newspaper? You have news no one else has.

Total change of our legal rights: limits on malpractice..placing a price on our life.

I believe Dubya's reasoning is the same reasoning used by the state of California, which has a $250,000 cap on "pain and suffering". There will be no caps on actual medical costs. Not only is this reasonable (more and more states are adopting caps) but is necessary to save the medical industry. For example, in my state doctors have left in droves because of the insanity of the current tort system.

A proposed national I.D. card with a complete personal hsitory required. Every telephone and email and fax being monitored..tapped without court approval.

I am in agreement with you against those, if they were to be implemented.

Yet another CIA this time a military CIA the military can do a better job!

You repeat yourself.

There will be : NO SOCIAL SECURITY or MEDICARE in 8 years according to one very important "Republican" Greenspan. But the rich do not need social security checks anyway...

Over the years the demon-crats have added so many new entitlements Medicare and SS to "pay" for greedy senior citizen votes it is no wonder the system is in trouble. It now takes two employees to pay for each senior citizen's entitlements. Time to cut back on the entitlements before it is too late.

World War III just around the corner...

Only if the policies of appeasement are allowed to continue. Dubya will not let that happen as long as he is Commander-In-Chier.

Under Regan we supported Saddam Hussien against Iran...gave him our anthrax, our biologal weapons. Under Bush Sr. we supported and trained via the CIA Bin Laden in Afganistans war against Russia. Under Bush Sr. he directed General Swartzcoff to suddenly stop and retrete when our army was 18 miles out of Bagdad. Under Bush Sr. ..Swartcoff asked for a NO FLY ZONE to be immediately enforced tp protect the rebelling Kurds, Sunnis, BUsh refused giving Hussien time to murder these men and women with his attck this day helicopters are allowed to fly in the no fly zone. Under Bush Jr....he allowed a 30 hour seize fire to be implimented when Bin Laden was surrounded in the southern town that was home to his headquaters..quietly the western border to Pakistan was opened up during the evening hours, even though the city was surrounded..guess who walked out of the back door and is still free today...our CIA trained former (Regan Administarion freind) Bin Laden!

I believe you have at least one of your facts wrong, and others are exaggerated. Also, you conveniently ignored the appeasements and incompetence of Carter and Clinton. You also ignored the policies of Truman. But, no matter. The security of our nation and the free world is at risk NOW!!! We have no time or patience for Monday-Morning Quarterbacking.

Remember the delay in releasing the hostages in Iran. Admittingly done by Regan to beat Carter in the presidental elections...

That is pure Barbara Streisand (BS). Where do you get this stuff? From the Democratic Underground? You really need to get a clue.

Remember Nixon...WaterGate!

Remember Clinton...MonicaGate...Whitewater...FBI Files...etc.. Rember Carter (need I say more). Yes, Nixon was a paranoid jerk . Carter was incompetent. Clinton was a disgrace. Get over it.

I am shocked that this current administration has not blamed all of there short comings on Blow Job Bill.

The blame-game has been mastered by the Clinton's and Carter, mostly to cover up their corruptions and incompetences. I guess Dubya never saw the need.

Seriously, Son, you really do need to get your head straight. Take it from a recovering liberal (one who voted for Clinton in 1992). I know from experience how easy it is for the naive to be deceived by leftists.

60 posted on 03/05/2003 9:30:22 AM PST by PhilipFreneau
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To: PhilipFreneau
What Stamina and Mental Endurance! I applaud you, sir!!
62 posted on 03/05/2003 9:43:12 AM PST by BSunday
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To: PhilipFreneau
Ditto to the "Stamina and Mental Endurance" compliment. I made BucaneroBob read your comments. I am encouraging him to join the fray...but it is unlikely.
64 posted on 03/05/2003 9:55:16 AM PST by awgie2
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To: PhilipFreneau
Outstanding reply ... I copied it for future use (against liberals I know)
65 posted on 03/05/2003 10:01:50 AM PST by clamper1797 (Credo Quia Absurdum)
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