Practically the only intelligent, open discussion of the subject came in the 1970's books by Dr. Wilson Bryan Key, a college professor, who offered great insights as to why and how subliminals can psychologically manipulate people. Then, of course, there's the grandaddy of all books on the subject, The Hidden Persuaders, written by Vance Packard, in the mid 50's. It's an eye opener, even today!
Most of the research done in the last 50 or 60 years concerning the "how-to's" and the effectiveness of subliminals has been commissioned by governments, ad agencies and networks, and is definitely kept under wraps. After all, the people who create the most subliminal stimuli don't want anybody to find out they're doing it. It's difficult to find anyone who will even admit to doing it, although any ad agency in America that's worth it's salt is involved in doing subliminals.
As for the poor, ignorant Joe Blows who insist that there's no such thing as subliminals, all I can say is, they're the best psychological targets there are. They're sitting ducks and are the prime victims of the mindbenders. Their own disbelief and arrogance will keep them from ever catching on.