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To: PJ-Comix
Country Amount Who
 Afghanistan Donation of $50 million The 74-year-old widow of a former sheik is now a Christian and suffering from cancer.  Her husband was killed during the U.S. incursion into Afghanistan.  She's got six months to live and wants to donate to your church, which she found on through your website.
Africa 20% of 10.5 million No country is specified, but the director of accounting for an African bank says he's found a dormant account left behind by a foreigner who died in a plane crash.  He's kept it to himself and wants your help by allowing him to run the money through your account.
Angola 25% of $32 million Son of former rebel movement leader.  Father killed by enemies.  Son warned to get out of the country and take the money with him.  Wants to invest it in your country.
Congo Cut of $18 million The widow of the late president.  Escaped with her children to Ivory Coast, then Morocco where her husband died of cancer. Wants your help in investing it.
Congo 25% of $25.5 The brother of the current president who is the son of the former president who was assassinated.
Congo 20% of $25 million Son of late president says there is a war and he and his family escaped to Morocco.  New government has frozen his assets.  He's got money set aside to set up business overseas.
Congo A cut of $50 million Son of the late president now in exile in Nigeria.  He escaped with his share of his inheritance and needs to invest it.
Congo Cut of $100 million The widow of the late president.  Escaped with her children to Ivory Coast, then Morocco where her husband died of cancer.  Her husband's hidden assets are being seized by the new government, but she's got $100 million secrected with a security company for safe keeping.  Wants your help do protect it.
Dubai (United Arab Emirate) 15% of $10.5 million A 65-year-old man is ill.  His wife and two children died in a car accident.  He's been helping orphanages around the world.  Before he became ill, he sent a box to Holland with the money in it.  Help him get it and give it to an orphanage.  You keep 15 percent.
Gambia 20% of $12.5 million Member of the Ministry of Finance.  Wants a silent partner to transfer funds authorized for foreign investment.
Ivory Coast 15% of unspecified amount A 19-year-old student says he's afraid he's going to be killed.  His father was  a wealthy cocoa merchant suspected of hiding funds.  Enemies discovered the funds and poisoned the father.  The father had instructed the boy what to do.  He wants you to help him, to become his guardian, and to transfer the money to your bank.
Ivory Coast A cut of $7.5 million A teenager whose father was a wealthy cocoa merchant and was poisoned by his enemies.  Her mother died too.  The father told her of the money hidden in a security vault in Ivory Coast.  Father told her to get foreign help.  She wants your help and for you to become her guardian.
Ivory Coast 20% of $14 million Father was a wealthy gold and cocoa merchant who was poisoned to death by one of his colleagues when they were both traveling.  Before his death, the father told his son that $14 million was hidden in bank accounts in Madrid, Spain.  The father told him t seek a foreign partner and invest in real estate, hotels, and in the petroleum industry.
Ivory Coast A cut of $15 million Son of the former head of Ivory Coast.  He's in exile.  Has deposits all over Europe.
Ivory Coast 30% of $18 million Wife of the exiled former mayor of a city.  Husband accused of taking money.  He gave most of it back, but hid $18 million.  He died in the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.
Ivory Coast` $10% of $20.5 million From the wife of a man who was in charge of a diamond mine in Sierra Leone.  Rebel forces invaded the mine, and killed her husband, mistaking him for his brother.  She and her son escaped along with the family fortune.  Wants your help to invest the funds.
Ivory Coast 30% of $35 million Manager of a bank.  A customer died in a plane crash and left the money.  No heirs have claimed it.  He'll arrange to transfer it to you.
Japan $10 million An 89 year-old-business woman wants to donate the money to your ministry.
Liberia 25% of $120 million An economist and son of the late president of Liberia says his father was assassinated and he and his family have sought safety abroad.  During his presidency, his father deposited millions of dollars in various accounts.  Most of those were discovered and frozen by the subsequent regime, but they've managed to save $120 million that can be claimed only with the help of a foreigner. You and he will become partners in investing the funds.
Madagascar Not specified Director of the Treasury Department.  Says he's no longer in government but has a large amount of money.  He needs somebody creative and industrious to help him.  He invites you to respond.
Middle East $10 million Widow of a Moslem sheik wants to donate to your church.  Husband was killed in the gulf war.  She's got breast cancer, has six months to live.  No children and wants to use her husband's wealth for evangelism.  Found your church on the Internet.
Nepal A cut of $30 million Attorney for the late kind of Nepal who was killed by his son, the crown prince.  The prince kept a secret fund which is known to the attorney and available to him.  
Nigeria Not specified This is a novel one.  It is sent to your company and says that recent meetings held in conjunction with the United Nations and the International World Court requires all debts owed to foreign contractors to be paid immediately.  Your "contract fund" has been approved and if you respond quickly, a lot of money will be transferred.
Nigeria Not specified Widow of late military head of state died of cardiac arrest.  Family harassed and accounts frozen.  Some other hidden British accounts available, though.  Wants your help.
Nigeria $500,000 An attorney says his late client left you money.  The client was an oil tycoon who choose you because of your involvement in Christian activities.
Nigeria $550,000 The CEO of a petroleum company has died.  According to his will, he's left you the money because of "your involvement in the Christian faith activities and in making better the world situation."
Nigeria A cut of $6.5 million An attorney says his client and children were killed in a car crash.  No heirs.  He'll say you are the heir and you process the money for him.
Nigeria 30% of $7 million An attorney says his client and children were killed in a car crash.  No luck in finding he's contacting people with the same last name to present one of them as the next of kin.
Nigeria 20% of $8.5 He padded a government contract..  Needs a foreign contractor to receive the money.
Nigeria A cut of $9.5 million Widow of the former minister for sport.  Husband died in airline crash.  Wants you to help her invest his money.
Nigeria 30% of 10.2 million The director of finance for the Nigerian Gas Company knows of a large sum of money left by the death of an Australian oil merchant ten years ago.  The money was to have been used for investments, but has been dormant.  He can arrange for you to be named as heir.
Nigeria A cut of $11.5 million Man who says he "over-invoiced" sales of crude oil involving the National Nigerian Petroleum Corporation.  He needs someone outside of the country to help.  Wants to send the money through a Canadian bank.
Nigeria $16.5 million A legal office says they represent a client who wants to invest the money in your company.
Nigeria $20 million He addresses the email to Christians.  Says he is a retired military officer and former Moslem.  He held an important post where he diverted $200 million for the then head of state and got $20 million for it.  Now that he's a Christian, he feels guilt about all the people he killed.  He quotes several scripture verses about giving to God then says that the government is starting to probe the accounts of former military officers.  He wants to give the money to God, not the government.  You can help.
Nigeria 20% of $20.5 million An accountant with a bank says an Australian client was killed three years ago on an Egyptair flight.  The money left over is for heirs, but none has appeared.  Without an heir, it'll be turned over to a government trust fund to buy arms.  He and his colleagues want to avoid the purchase of arms so they've decided to make you eligible to receive the funds.
Nigeria 25% of $20.5 million An official of the Federal Government's Contracts Review Panel.  He's discovered money "floating" in the Central Bank of Nigeria.  Admits that he and others want to illegally divert the funds to the U.S.
Nigeria 20% of $21,320,000 Top officials of a government contract review panel have discovered several inflated contracts to the government.  The money is to be transferred to you for them.  You keep 20%.
Nigeria 30% of $21.5 million Former advisor of Crude Petroleum matters.  Wants to courier the money to Holland where it can then be sent to you by diplomatic pouch.  
Nigeria 25% of $21.5 million The chief accountant of Nigerian Liquefied Natural Gas found the money after a change of regimes.  It can be paid to you through a contract they set up.
Nigeria 20% of $22.5 million Second wife of Nigeria's former head of state. Her son is being held by the government.  She's an emotional wreck.  Her husband had $700 million, but most of it stolen. She's got $22.5 left and wants your help.
Nigeria 20% of $24 million Wife of the late head of state.  Has the money from her husband's business dealings with foreigners.  She got scammed once.  Needs somebody she can trust.
Nigeria 25% of $25 million Wife of the late Nigerian head of state.  Help save her and her children.  She'll set up a trust fund in your name for transfer.
Nigeria Cut of $25.5 million Contract award person from National Petroleum Corporation.  Has money left over from padding the invoice for work done by contractors.
Nigeria 25% of $22.5 million A member of a committee for the National Electric Power Authority says the money was from false invoices to customers.  Wants your help to get it into a U.S. bank.
Nigeria 30% of $26.4 million Official of the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing.  Money left over from contracts with previous administration.
Nigeria 20% of $27.5 million A member of the Board of Federal Ministry of Aviation.  They inflated a contract amount and have that left over.  Wants your help.
Nigeria 30% of $28.8 million Auditor at Nigeria's petroleum organization.  Says he's been ordered to give overcharges back to contractors.  They've all been paid, however, so he can divert the money to your account.
Nigeria 30% of $29.5 million Bank branch manager says a foreign engineer died with no heirs.  If he doesn't divert the money, it'll be used for arms and ammunition.  He'll have you "stand in" as an heir.
Nigeria 20% of $31 million Member of the Export Promotion Council.  Got your name from a trade delegation.  He and four others have money from inflated invoices on government contracts from the previous regime.  Current government knows nothing about it.  
Nigeria A cut of $32,624,000 You've been chosen to be next of kin to a man who has died.  The man was a contractor and died in an auto accident.  He left the money behind and with no heirs.  
Nigeria 20% $35 million Former minister of petroleum to the late head of state.  He's amassed a fortune through his position and wants to invest it abroad.
Nigeria 30% of $35 million Former chairman of contract award committee for the National Petroleum Corporation.  Underpaid an Italian contractor and has money left over.  Wants your help.
Nigeria A cut of $37.8 million A bank officer has custody of money left behind when his client died in the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001.  He's "cleverly" moved the funds overseas.  
Nigeria 25% of $38 million A member of a presidential task force on oil spillage says he and some co-workers overcharged the government for the clean-up services.  They want to invest it through you.  
Nigeria $8.3 million of $41.5 million Members of the special committee for budget and planning for Ministry of Petroleum and Mining.  They got the money from an "undeclared windfall" from sales of crude oil.  They can't have a foreign account so they want you to process it for them.
Nigeria 30% of $40.3 million Wife of the late head of state is being tortured, sons are in detention.  Doesn't trust anyone.  Only $40.3 million of $700 million is left.  She wants you to help her.
Nigeria 20% of $42 million An attorney representing the wife of the late head of state.  Their enemies have turned against them.  They've frozen their accounts and seized more than $800 million.  They've hidden $42 million in Europe.  Want you to be a partner to save it.
Nigeria 30% of $50 million This one is confusing and poorly written.  The bottom line is that the man admits he over-invoiced the government to he could keep the difference.  He wants you to be the "custodian" for the money.
Nigeria 25% of $58 million Wife of the former head of state.  Her husband accumulated a fortune in foreign bank accounts then died.  The new head of state is persecuting the family.  They need your help rescuing some of the money.
Nigeria A cut of $67,532,700 From the personal assistant to the presidential adviser on petroleum.  He says several officials took advantage of a change in oil prices to pocket several million dollars.  They want your help.
Nigeria A cut of $75 million Attorney says he represents the son of the former head of state in Nigeria.  Vindictive government officials are threatening to take the survivors' money.  They need someone to help them get it out of country.
Nigeria 15% of $85 million Wife of the late head of state who died of heart problems.  They failed to get $55 million out of the country and it was seized.  Now the $85 million, which was the result of kickbacks from the Russians, has been secreted away.  Wants to invest it and also start an oil refinery in Brazil.
Nigeria A cut of $105 million A princess from an African kingdom says that shortly before his death, her father confided that he had the money hidden in a vault.  She says she can't do much since she is not a male heir but asks your help in finding a place for she and her family to live and help investing the money.
Nigeria 40% of $95 million From the doctor of the widow of the former head of state.  She's got a large amount of money to invest and needs your help.
Nigeria 20% of $700 million The wife of the former head of state discovers $700 million in a Swiss bank account.  She needs your help getting it out.
Sierra Leone 10% of $10.5 million Widow of a gold mining official.  Husband assassinated.  She's got money hidden in Ivory Coast in security box.  Help her get the box.
Sierra Leone $10.5 million A bishop in a church was in the medical equipment business.  Forced out by civil war then later returned to do business in diamonds.  A ban on diamond exports forced him out again but he took the money with him.  He's become a Christian and has a prayer and deliverance  ministry.  He fasted and prayed and on the last day, God told him to invest his money in your ministry.
Sierra Leone $10% of $15 million A 21-year-old and his sister are taking refuge in Ivory Coast.  The money is from their father who was the director of finance for diamonds and mining.  
Sierra Leone A cut of $16.3 million From the son of the former assistant minister of mineral resources.  He's in exile in Senegal because of war.  He needs your help.
Sierra Leone $25% of $16.5 million Wife of a senior official of the Revolutionary United Front who died in London.  Wants to invest the money.  Needs your help.
Sierra Leone 20% of $21.5 million A businessman who got your name from the Chamber of Commerce.  His medical equipment business was forced out of the country by civil war.  After the war, he returned to the country and invested in mining diamonds.  A ban on diamond exports forced him out again, but he managed to save several million.  He's now in Senegal and wants you to help him get residence in your country.
Sierra Leone A cut of $25 million Son of the deceased director of gold and diamond mining.  Says father was poisoned, but before he died, revealed $25 million in hidden funds.  Wants to have it invested in another country.
Sierra Leone $20 of $28 million The son of a military leader who was also in charge of mining operations.  The profit was used to buy weapons.  He smuggled his father's fortune out of Sierra Leone and was going to invest it in South Africa, but his contact died before it could be done.  He asks your help.
Sierra Leone $5 million of $50 million The wife of the late chairman of the the national diamond and gold mining corporation.  He was assassinated in 1999.  There was a subsequent war and she and her family went to Ivory Coast for protection.  As she was packing, she stumbled across the key to her husband's underground safe and found $50 million there.  She, her son, and their money were smuggled out of the country and the money placed with a security firm.  She wants you to receive and help invest the money.
South Africa 10% of $16.5 million Member of a contract evaluation panel.  Found money from inflated invoices to the government.  Wants to invest it.
South Africa 20% of $17.5 million Man works for the ministry of mining and natural resources.  He and four others have the money, which they collected by defrauding it from the government.  You'll get 20 percent.
South Africa A cut of $24 million A man who works for the Ministry of Minerals and two of his co-workers want you to help them invest the money.  They'll set it up that you are under contract to the government and will be paid the money.
South Africa $6 millon of $26 million Auditor at a "bank in Africa."  Discovered a dormant account of a man who died with no heirs.  He can have you named as the heir.
South Africa 20% of $30 million Auditor at a "bank in Africa."  Discovered a dormant account of a man who died with no heirs.  He can have you named as the heir.
South Africa 30% of 31.5 million The chairman of a government committee has access to funds that were embezzled by the former head of the government.  He and his colleagues blatantly admit they have grabbed the money for themselves and they want your help.
South Africa 35% of $126 million Auditor at a "bank in Africa."  Discovered a dormant account of a man who died with no heirs.  He can have you named as the heir.
South Africa 35% of $152 million Auditor at a "bank in Africa."  Discovered a dormant account of a man who died with no heirs.  He can have you named as the heir.
Taiwan 30% of $36 million External auditor for a bank.  Found money abandoned by a man who died along with his family in a plane crash in 1998.  No next of kin.  He'll designate you next of kin to get the money.
Togo $9 million A lawyer for a bank who is also in charge of bill and exchange.  The money is from the victim of a plane crash in 1996.  No heirs.  He can transfer it to you.
Togo 30% of $10.5 million Manager of bill and exchange at a bank.  He's got money from a man who died in a plane crash in 1997.  No heirs have come forward.  They'll name you the heir.
Togo 30% of $20 million The chairman of the contract awarding committee of the Economic Community of West African States says he found you in a Chamber of Commerce directory.  He and some colleagues have the money from having over invoiced the government for ammunition, pharmaceuticals, and hardware and software.  He says the deal was "deliberately hatched out" and loop holes sealed.
Togo 20% of $21.2 million Bank official says the former minister for natural resources has died and left $21.2 million to charity.  He's decided to give 20 percent to charity and keep the rest, but the 20 percent will go to you.
Togo 25% of $22 million Director of auditing and accounting at a bank says a customer died in a plane crash with no heirs.  You'll be named next of kin and get the money.
Togo 30% of $30 million The manager of a bank says a man made a "fixed deposit" but after the required 12 month minimum, didn't claim it.  They contacted his employer who said the many had died in an auto accident with no heirs and no will.  The money has been secretly moved to a different account and to keep it from going to to the government, he wants you to receive it.  He's placed the money in a box at a security company and labeled it as photographic materials.  He wants to name you as the owner of the box so you can get the money
Zaire A cut of $10 million Daughter of the late president.  Current government has seized assets and frozen accounts.  They've got some hidden money they want you to help them invest.
Zaire A cut of $15 million Son of the late president wants your help in transferring the money.
Zaire A cut of $18 million Widow of the late president.  Her husbands "billions" frozen by the government.  She's got $18 million that was not discovered.  Needs your help.
Zaire A cut of $75 million Widow of the late president.  She, her husband, and their sons escaped to Ivory Coast then to Morocco.  Her husband deposited billions in various accounts, most of which have been frozen by the new government.  $75 million is still in European accounts.  Your help is needed.
Zimbabwe Not specified Secretary of Africa White Farmers Co-Operation.  Comments on government plans to take over properties of white farmers.  Says protestors burned down headquarters but didn't get the hidden money.  Wants to invest it in Europe.  You'll be compensated.
Zimbabwe A cut of $8.5 million Son of the "most popular black farmer" in the country.  Writing from the Netherlands.  Father murdered in land dispute.  Money is deposited in South Africa.  
Zimbabwe 20% of $28.6 million His father resisted handing his farm over to black farmers and was killed.  Before he died, his father told that money was deposited in Holland.  He and his sister moved there, but need your help because they can not establish foreign accounts in their names.
Ivory Coast A cut of $15.5 million A 25-year-old and his 21-year-old sister have the money.  Their father was a wealthy cocoa farmer who was killed by assassins.  Before he died, however, his father told him of millions of dollars he had deposited into a bank in Ivory Coast.  He told his son to invest it abroad so he wants your help.
Not specified $12.1 million A man describing himself as a deacon goes into detail about his becoming a Christian and experiencing prayer and deliverance.  He says that through prayer and fasting, God told him to invest in God's kingdom through you and your ministry.
Not specified $580,000 A minister says a successful businessman felt blessed of God and wanted to "give some of it back" when he died.  You've been chosen for the money because of your ministry.
Not specified 30% of $30.5 million A manager of an African bank says the money was abandoned when a customer and his family died in a plane crash.  No family left.  They'll name you next of kin.
Not specified 30% of $15 million A manager of a bank says the money was abandoned when a customer and his family died in a plane crash.  No family left.  They'll name you next of kin.
Not specified 20% of $33.6 million  Private investigator in Europe representing officials in Africa.  Wants help putting the money into an account in the Cayman Islands.

22 posted on 02/24/2003 9:25:41 PM PST by dennisw (
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To: dennisw
Damn! My Nigerian is cheap! He only offered me less than $8. The amounts you posted are much greater. Okay, just for that I am going to send my Nigerian to Paraguay with instructions to meet Mr. Marco Traficante with the secret turkey gobble call.
26 posted on 02/24/2003 9:32:41 PM PST by PJ-Comix (A Libertarian Is A Conservative With A Water Pipe)
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To: dennisw
Dang me!
Where do I sign up for my share? Come on, time's a'wastin!
96 posted on 02/25/2003 12:21:45 PM PST by rockrr
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To: dennisw
I didn't see the one about some library in Arkansas.....
123 posted on 02/26/2003 5:55:17 PM PST by CheneyChick
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