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The Lords of Bakersfield (Homosexuality and Corruption)
Bakersfield Californian ^
| February 19, 2002
| Reporters from Bakersfield Californian
Posted on 02/19/2003 10:20:23 AM PST by Saundra Duffy
Powerful gay men. Vulnerable teen-age boys. Murder. For years, some prominent local men who led secret lives were rumored to be protected. Whispers surrounding another important man's death prompt the question: Is there really a conspiracy?
Why we wrote these stories A conspiracy theory born in the late 1970s and early '80s had become a long-forgotten legend until last September, when the slaying of Assistant District Attorney Stephen M. Tauzer gave new life to speculation about "The Lords of Bakersfield."
We felt this legend and the crimes that spawned it warranted a closer look. We believed readers would find these stories relevant and compelling.
Californian columnist Robert Price and Assistant Managing Editor Lois Henry researched these stories for three months, interviewing more than 100 people and digesting thousands of pages of court transcripts, investigative reports and newspaper articles, resulting in this report.
This Special Report is large -- perhaps too large for some readers. Nonetheless, we believed it was important for us to be as detailed and complete as possible. And because The Californian was part of the story, we felt a particular responsibility to be thorough.
Mike Jenner Executive editor
TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Front Page News; Government; US: California
KEYWORDS: bakersfield; gay; homosexualagenda; homosexuality; lords
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To: Remedy
Sometimes the pro-sodomy folks criticize Christians by claiming that Biblical prohibitions are old fashioned mythology, and I guess they down-play scientific facts (like your presentations) by ignoring them and other silly or evil tactics. I have studied Ayurveda (and other Vedic texts) for more than 30 years, and my husband is a long time practitioner of Chinese and Japanes martial arts.
Interestingly, Ayurveda (the most ancient medicial and healing art in the world) states that unnatural and excessive sex is extremely damaging to the body, the mind and emotions, and the soul. In fact, oral sex, anal sex, and masturbation are specifically mentioned as being injurious and disease causing, as well as homosexuality in particular. Also, Chinese Taoism and Chinese Traditional Medicine consider homosexual acts to not only be disease producing but specifically to promote anger, agressiveness and mental imbalance, even up to psychosis, and especially in men. That corroborates your passage above.
To: McNoggin
posted on
02/22/2003 7:48:25 AM PST
To: pram
homosexual acts to not only be disease producing but specifically to promote anger, agressiveness and mental imbalance, even up to psychosis, and especially in men
.<<< Violence and Homosexuality The top six U.S. male serial killers were all gay.
- Compared with their heterosexual peers, homosexual men were at greater risk for psychiatric disorders, including mood and anxiety disorders, bipolar disorders, major depression, obsessive-compulsive disorders, panic disorder, agoraphobia, social phobia, and simple phobia. ---Theo G. M. Sandfort, Archives of General Psychiatry Vol. 58, Number . , 2001. Page(s) 85-91. SO MUCH FOR HOMOPHOBIA
- Relationship violence was found to be a significant problem for homosexuals. Forty-four (44) percent of the gay men reported having experienced violence in their relationships; 13 percent reported sexual violence and 83 percent reported emotional abuse. Levels of abuse ran even higher among lesbians: 55 percent reported physical violence in their relationships, 14 percent reported sexual abuse, and 84 percent reported emotional abuse. Susan C. Turrell,Journal of Family Violence Vol. 13, Number . , 2000. Page(s) 281-293.
posted on
02/22/2003 7:50:43 AM PST
To: Remedy
What about Ted Bundy?
To: Saundra Duffy
Will there be a movie?"Bakersfield Beauty" -- how a group of fun-loving guys loosened up repressed Middle America.
posted on
03/18/2003 10:17:51 PM PST
Dr. Eckleburg
(There are very few shades of grey.)
To: Dr. Eckleburg
"Bakersfield Beauty" -- how a group of fun-loving guys loosened up repressed Middle America.
To: Saundra Duffy
The Baldwin Brothers.
posted on
03/19/2003 4:27:26 PM PST
Dr. Eckleburg
(There are very few shades of grey.)
To: dighton
At least, when Bakersfield lifted the rock, it didn't simply replaced the rock and move on.
posted on
03/19/2003 5:36:30 PM PST
(Carrying the burdon of being a poor speller)
To: bannie
Good point. This does them credit:
And because The Californian was part of the story, we felt a particular responsibility to be thorough.
posted on
03/19/2003 5:39:13 PM PST
(Amen-Corner Hatchet Team, Nasty Little Clique, Vulgar Horde)
"My instant analysis was that this was a case of 1. a nice fellow who fell under the "no good deed goes unpunished" scenario OR 2. older gay guy gets killed by younger hustler."This man presumed to over-ride what a concerned father believed was right for his own son. He "took the (very pretty) boy under his wing" while the father roundly and soundly protested. As the father said, "He doesn't need another father."
These were not "fatherly" gestures.
posted on
03/19/2003 5:43:53 PM PST
(Carrying the burdon of being a poor speller)
To: ken5050
Not the same area...miles away.
posted on
03/19/2003 5:46:31 PM PST
(Carrying the burdon of being a poor speller)
To: Saundra Duffy
Kern County's not a bad place.
posted on
03/19/2003 5:48:20 PM PST
(Carrying the burdon of being a poor speller)
To: dighton
There was a "garage" publication that tried to force the issue a few years ago. Maybe this last boy's life won't be in vain.
posted on
03/19/2003 5:57:17 PM PST
(Carrying the burdon of being a poor speller)
To: Servant of the Nine
It was posted on Drudge, too. The can of worms seems to have been truly opened.
posted on
03/19/2003 6:01:13 PM PST
(Carrying the burdon of being a poor speller)
To: scripter; Saundra Duffy; Remedy; GrandMoM; backhoe; pram; Yehuda; Clint N. Suhks; saradippity; ...
posted on
03/19/2003 6:03:06 PM PST
(Carrying the burdon of being a poor speller)
To: Saundra Duffy
Nothing that happens in Bakersfield ever suprises me; the Centeral Valley is the center of the universe after all.
posted on
03/19/2003 6:05:15 PM PST
(Screw the grammar, full posting ahead.)
To: GrandMoM
Don't apologize everyone knows Bakersfield sux.
posted on
03/19/2003 6:07:40 PM PST
(Screw the grammar, full posting ahead.)
To: Saundra Duffy
i know this reply is way late, but i just came across this website. i have had my own personal experience in Bakersfield that i don not want to post at the moment as it is too painful to think about. i will try at a later date to divulge the details when i can mentally handle reliving it. but as soon as i got there, i could feel something eerie about that place, and take my word for it..there's is something VERY wrong in Kern County, CA. i never knew anyhting about Kern County until AFTER my incident and i starting researching it. some recommended reading if you haven't already is "Mean Justice" by Edward Humes. He won a Pulitzer prize for it in investigative reporting and its all about Bakersfield. Also "Valley Fire" by Bette Blair. This one may be a little harder to find as it was out of print for a while. Reprinted after Californian printed the Lords article though. So..i will talk to you later. God Bless, and a little friendly advice....stay away from Kern County, CA.
posted on
12/09/2004 1:07:03 PM PST
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