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Suit Targeting "Men Only" Rule at Country Club to Be Heard in Shreveport Court
Shreveport, LA, Times ^
| 02=18-03
| Parsons, Seth
Posted on 02/18/2003 5:15:50 AM PST by Theodore R.
Edited on 05/07/2004 7:00:35 PM PDT by Jim Robinson.
Nearly three years of legal wrangling over who is allowed into what some claim is basically the extension of a locker room could finally come to an end in a Caddo Parish courtroom Wednesday.
That's when the fate of a "men only" policy at the popular Southern Trace Country Club Men's Grille will be placed into the hands of Caddo District Judge Roy Brun.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Culture/Society
KEYWORDS: countryclub; menonly; shreveport; suit
To: Theodore R.
Let me get this straight: NOW can be segregated to defend women's rights but its verboten for there to be a men's only club designed to suit men's interests. Its not enough women have clubs they can join that are women only, they want to change whatever men have so they don't feel discriminated against. Looks like a way street. And where's the respect for private freedom of association?
To: Theodore R.
Two things.
Item 1:
"Jones said. "It is a business and as a business it should not discriminate on the basis of gender."
By this reasoning a woman's clothing store "is a business" and discriminates "on the basis of gender."
Item 2:
The phrase "public accomondation" has as much constitutional basis as the phrase "compelling state interest."
None whatsovever.
posted on
02/18/2003 5:31:23 AM PST
To: Theodore R.
Next thing you know they will be wanting in our rest rooms.
posted on
02/18/2003 5:48:55 AM PST
To: Theodore R.
Now I understand how blacks felt when they had to eat in the back room,ride in the back of the bus, use 'colored' water fountain and restrooms. Now I understandwhy wehad to ahve civil rights for blacks. Too bad it didn't give equal rights to women, too. I get so tired of being a less than human citizen in USA just because I was born female and not male. And I am a conservative woman. I do not believe we should have affirmative action! Just EQUAL RIGHTS for all human beings in USA. Just simple equality. The church is the worst place, many churches do not give women any equality. Even Catholic church which prays to a woman, Mary, won't let women become a priest. Sad.
posted on
02/18/2003 5:50:46 AM PST
(Nach Frankreich: Sprechen Sie Deutsches? Nein? Bitte Schön.)
To: buffyt
Blah, blah, blah.
Big suprise you brought your hatred to another thread about freedom of association.
posted on
02/18/2003 5:53:11 AM PST
(The "smarmy" one)
To: buffyt
. I do not believe we should have affirmative action! Just EQUAL RIGHTS for all human beings in USA. Just simple equality. The church is the worst place, many churches do not give women any equality. Even Catholic church which prays to a woman, Mary, won't let women become a priest. Sad.
I am Catholic also and I like the traditionism on the Catholic church where only a male could lead the congregation, they can't marry etc. The Bible states that each gender has specific roles and there are plenty of Christians (not just Catholics)who submit to that theory. Having said that, Episcopalian is very similiar to Catholic teachings and allows for females priests. Have to considered converting to a segregation of Christianity that more suits your beliefs?
To: goldstategop
I belonged to the last all male Toastmasters Club in Iowa and it is one of my most cherished experiences. The comunication and standards were different. I enjoy women in the club now but look back at those times with fond memories. Those men helped shape me to be a lot of what I am today.
To: buffyt
"Just EQUAL RIGHTS for all human beings in USA." Yes, on public owned property. Property paid for by the citizens. Parks, courts, public schools, etc.
Private property owners are free, Amendment IX, to allow whomever they want on their property for whatever reason.
Private property does not become public property due to "public accommondation."
posted on
02/18/2003 10:12:04 AM PST
To: Piquaboy
"Next thing you know they will be wanting in our rest rooms." I've been to rock concerts where even that barrier has been broken down. ;)
To: Theodore R.
Dirty Little Secret #17 Of The Feminist Movement: In truth they really do want to be "where the guys are".
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