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New York Post ^
| 2/18/03
Posted on 02/17/2003 11:59:38 PM PST by kattracks
Edited on 05/26/2004 5:12:12 PM PDT by Jim Robinson.
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To: FreeCanuckistan
The dirty little secret about the applause the French received at the UN last week is that it was totally STAGED.
The applause came from the gallery, conveniently packed with fellow cheese-eating surrender monkies, NOT from the member representatives on the UN floor.
Also apparently the applause was a breach of etiquette under the circumstances. Bad-mannered cheese-eating surrender monkies . . .
It was all a load of snail poop.
posted on
02/18/2003 2:02:33 AM PST
(FOR SALE: French Army rifle. Never been used. Dropped once.)
As bad as the not-so-veiled threat to blackball Bulgaria and Romania from EU membership is the fact that ChIraq told them to "SHUT UP."
France's arrogance is like a noose tightening around their national neck. Shouting "shut up" is--what did ChIraq say?---"infantile" and sure to be viewed as a crystal clear indication of the true condescension and bigotry New Europe will face in dealings with France.
ChIraq is pushing these countries into new, even stronger alliances with the U.S. and like-minded European countries.
Off topic, but anyone seen the leader of Latvia on tv? From what I've seen, she is Margaret Thatcher incarnate. Also I saw a high government official from Romania on Fox and he was extremely bright, articulate and apparently not tainted by liberal fantasies.
If this is what New Europe can offer the world, ChIraq has done a great service by elevating these countries and marginalizing his own.
posted on
02/18/2003 2:08:41 AM PST
(FOR SALE: French Army rifle. Never been used. Dropped once.)
To: Mr. Mojo
France overplayed a bad hand. What fools.
Meanwhile, Germany - which until now has said it wouldn't back military action against Iraq under any circumstances - agreed war could be a last resort.
posted on
02/18/2003 2:24:10 AM PST
To: Mr. Mojo
France overplayed a bad hand. What fools.
Meanwhile, Germany - which until now has said it wouldn't back military action against Iraq under any circumstances - agreed war could be a last resort.
posted on
02/18/2003 2:24:11 AM PST
French attempt to colonialise eastern Europe.
To: kattracks
France had better tone down the rhetoric. They're going to appear even more idiotic if Latvia has to kick their ass.
posted on
02/18/2003 2:40:20 AM PST
To: MadIvan
re : And Blair. And Aznar. Britain, Spain and Italy will be in a much more powerful position once Iraq is defeated.
It looks as if Churchills grand strategy is finally being played out, a Strong foot in each camp, Europe and America and a totally humbled France and sidelined Germany.
Lets hope that certain labour lefties dont decide to shoot them selfs in the foot. And spoil this hand we are playing which just gets stronger
Cheers Tony
To: kattracks
I still say we should Anglisize his name to Chitcrac.
To: zygoat
Very Good
Doesn't chIRAQ sound like a convicted murderer's
threats to the judge, jury and police.
To: Bonaparte
....I wonder how many European nations would be interested in forming a close economic alliance with America? One that left their national sovereignty intact and respected, along with their laws and customs......
I would love to see it, but first the Bush Administration would have to change its lousy trade policies. To date, the Adminstration has talked free trade talk, but it hasn't walked the walk. The Steel fiasco is premia face evidence.
The best thing that could come of this mess is a new North Atlantic alliance based on free trade, political and economic liberalism and collective security. The French and Germans believe in none of the above and would be unwelcome. The rest of Europe can Join the U.S. and Mexico (and Canada if it doesn't prefer to hand out with the stiff necked Lefties) to create a new integrated pole that can lead the world to justice and prosperity.
One can dream.
France overplayed a bad hand. Yep, holding two jokers isn't going to get the job done......especially since neither of them is wild ;)
posted on
02/18/2003 8:59:27 AM PST
Mr. Mojo
To: driftless
And don't miss the targeted point that (as James 'SerpentHead' Carville stated in an interview that included his wife, that Mary woman) was brought out on a Russert interview this weekend...the communists (RATS) know that when we defeat that butcher Sodom, Bush will be more popular than he was during the unprecedented mid term elections disaster for the RATS.
The RATS would rather Americans die and they would rise to power off of their rotting corpses than anymore from this Christian Republican named Bush....
posted on
02/18/2003 12:00:55 PM PST
(This space for rent (Not accepting bids from the United Nations))
To: rbmillerjr
France is just carrying the water for their German masters.
posted on
02/18/2003 12:03:29 PM PST
To: kattracks
Another irrelevant French aristocrat hoisted on his own pitard. How sweet it is!
posted on
02/18/2003 12:07:11 PM PST
To: willgetsome
This wasn't just an underestimation of Bush. It was a chance to knock him down a step or two and ensure a liberal president in 2005. That was really the ultimate dream. Both of the dimwits felt that Bush was not popular in America and that this entire event could be handled easily by France, Germany, and Russia. The liberal media in both France and Germany helped convince them of their overwhelming superior position. They never calculated that the UK would seriously back Bush...nor did they calculate that Spain, Italy and almost all of the eastern European countries would back Bush too. They also failed to calculate that these countries would run behind the back of the mighty French or German empire and never say a word about what they were going to do. Both gentlemen have been brought down a step or two.
But the icing on the cake...will be when US troops roll into Iraq, and then we start to find various items made in France and Germany...sold to the past five manfacture chemical and biological weapons. We really won't say a word about this...until the dimwits threaten to take us into International Court for threatening a poor country like Iraq. Then we will simply ask for all parties to meet at the International Court...and pull out of the pictures of the items we found...and ask who wants to go first?
To: kattracks
posted on
02/18/2003 12:29:30 PM PST
(Take charge of your destiny, or someone else will)
To: kattracks
By so badly overplaying his hand with EU members, Chirac may have unwittingly helped Tony Blair. More and more, Chirac is acting like a man who has something very nasty to hide. I wonder what exactly it is that the French have been selling the Iraqis despite UN sanctions?
posted on
02/18/2003 12:35:49 PM PST
To: irish_links
You would want to be completely dependent on a foreign power for our steel? Keep in mind that once a steel plant is shut down, it takes years to start it back up. I'm not a purist on the subject of free trade. I like it when it works, but like everything else, it has its downside. The power to impose tariffs is not something I would want to completely give up.
To: Mr. Mojo; newgeezer
quotes from various sources.Jacques Chirac promptly threw a temper tantrum, threatening to blackball nations that back President Bush.
LOL! Talk about an empty threat! France is completely irrelevant, and they're totally oblivious to that fact.
Could anyone still want to be a part of the UN anyway?
To: Bonaparte
I was just pointing out that you can have protective tariffs or you can have an economic cooperation zone, including Eastern Europe and the Anglophone countries of Europe, but you can't have both.
I would choose the free trade zone, but recognize that it would entail problems, including the loss of some components of key industries like steel.
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