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To: Fractal Trader
AnalogScience Fiction & Fact Magazine
"The Alternate View" columns
of John G. Cramer
Subject Index

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[Each underlined column title is a link to that column; click on the title to go there.]
Group 1 - Cutting Edge Science
The Alternate View
Column Title
Subject of Column Analog
The Other 40 Dimensions Klein-Kaluza compactification 04/85 AltVw06
Light in Reverse Gear I Optical reversal with a 4-Wave mixer  06/85 AltVw07
Light in Reverse Gear II Advanced radiation 08/85 AltVw08
Antimatter in a Trap Penning ion trapping 12/85 AltVw10
Super Atoms and Super Fields Positrons from Z>173 atoms 13/86 AltVw17
Warm Superconductors Ceramic BaYCuO superconductors 10/87 AltVw22
Report on NanoCon 1 NanoCon I - The 1st Nanotechnology Conference 10/89 AltVw35
Harnessing the Butterfly 
- The Steering of Chaos
Using chaos for control 03/92 AltVw51
Bose-Einstein Condensation: 
A New Form of Matter
Thousands of atoms in the same quantum state 03/96 AltVw77
The "Real World" and The Standard Model Effect on the universe of varying force strengths and quark masses 05/96 AltVw78
Burn Up the Nuclear Waste Particle accelerators for waste "burnup" 07/96 AltVw79
The Atom Laser A laser that emits coherent atoms instead of coherent light 07/97 AltVw85
Planet of the Geezers Telomeres and the reversal of human aging 02/98 AltVw88
What We Don't Understand The major unsolved problems of contemporary physics. 07-08/99 AltVw96
A Century of Physics Highlights of the Centennial Meeting of the American Physical Society 10/99 AltVw97
Our Millimeter-Size Universe Superstring theory suggests that gravity is weak because its extra-dimensional loops are a millimeter in diameter. 12/99 AltVw98
"Interaction-Free" Quantum 
Measurements and Imaging
Quantum measurements that can produce an image of an object without the interaction of a single photon. 09/00 AltVw101
The "Rare Earth" Hypothesis A new book argues that complex life must be very rare in our galaxy. 11/00 AltVw102
Decoding the Ribosome Nature's nanotechnology "assembler", the ribosome, has been decoded and its structure revealed. 05/01 AltVw106
Carbon Nanotubes, A Miracle Material Carbon nanotubes can be conductors or semiconductors, super-strong materials, and could make possible a "skyhook". 12/01 AltVw109
Group 2 - Quantum Mechanics
The Alternate View
Column Title
Subject of Column Analog
Other Universes II Everett-Wheeler interpretation of QM 11/84 AltVw03
The Quantum Handshake The Transactional Interpretation of QM 11/86 AltVw16
Watching The Quantum Jump Exciting single atoms in a trap 05/88 AltVw26
Paradoxes and FTL Communication The Calcutta QM Paradox  09/88 AltVw28
Einsteins' Spooks & Bell's Theorem The EPR paradox & nonlocality 01/90 AltVw37
Quantum Time Travel Time tricks with quantum mechanics 04/91 AltVw45
Quantum Telephones to Other Universes, to Times Past Non-linear quantum mechanics and communication 10/91 AltVw48
The Quantum Physics of Teleportation Transporting a complete quantum state 12/93 AltVw62
Tunneling through the Lightspeed Barrier Quantum tunneling and transit time 12/95 AltVw75
Bose-Einstein Condensation: A New Form of Matter Thousands of atoms in the same quantum state 03/96 AltVw77
Space Drives, Phased Arrays, and Interferometry Amplitude and intensity interferometry 01/97 AltVw82
The Atom Laser A laser that emits coherent atoms instead of coherent light 07/97 AltVw85
The Quantum Eraser Erasing quantum interference retroactively 06/98 AltVw90
"Interaction-Free" Quantum 
Measurements and Imaging
Quantum measurements that can "see in the dark", producing an image of an object without the interaction of a single photon. 06/00 AltVw101
Faster-than-Light Laser Pulses? Superluminal laser pulses with negative velocities that get there before they start. 03/01 AltVw105
Supernova in a Bose-Einstein Bottle Repulsion is changed to attraction in a Bose-Einstein condensate, with amazing and mysterious results. 10/01 AltVw108
Quantum Computing, 5 Qubits and Counting Quantum computing has made a step forward, with a 5 qubit computer that factors 15 into primes.  What's next? 06/02 AltVw112
Group 3 - Neutrinos
The Alternate View
Column Title
Subject of Column Analog
Neutrinos and WIMPs The Solar Neutrino Problem 05/86 AltVw13
Heavy Neutrinos: Who Ordered That? Reports of a 17 kilovolt neutrino 12/91 AltVw49
Neutrino Physics: Curiouser and Curiouser SAGE neutrino detector results 09/92 AltVw54
Neutrinos, Ripples, and Time Loops Tachyonic neutrinos, cosmic string effects 02/93 AltVw57
Massive Neutrinos The Japanese Super-Kamiokande detector discovers that mu-neutrinos have mass. 01/99 AltVw93
Group 4 - Cosmology and Astrophysics
The Alternate View
Column Title
Subject of Column Analog
Antimatter in the Universe The possibility of antimatter galaxies 08/79 Analog-1
Other Universes I GUTs cosmology  09/84 AltVw02
In The Fullness of Time The universe in the far future 10/85 AltVw09
Children of the Swan Cygnus X-3 cosmic ray particles 03/86 AltVw12
SN1987A - Supernova Astrophysics Grows Up Supernovae, neutrinos, and gravitational collapse 12/87 AltVw23
Supernova Duds and Toothpaste Neutrinos and fluorine nucleosynthesis 02/89 AltVw31
The Mouse that Boomed Fast object seen with radio-astronomy 08/89 AltVw34
Cosmic Voids and Great Walls The large-scale structure of the universe 08/91 AltVw47
Searching for MACHOs (massive compact halo objects) The gravitational lensing of brown dwarfs 05/94 AltVw65
Stretch Marks on the Universe - Quantized Redshift Puzzle of clustered galactic red-shifts 11/94 AltVw68
GRS1915+105: The Fastest Fireball in the Galaxy A quasar-like object in our galaxy 04/95 AltVw71
"Texas" in Munich, Part 1: The Constants of the Universe Closing in on the universe's parameters 08/95 AltVw73
"Texas" in Munich, Part 2: Gamma Ray Bursts The gamma ray burst puzzle 10/95 AltVw74
Ultra-Energetic Cosmic Rays and Gamma Ray Bursts Correlation between cosmic rays and gamma bursts? 01/96 AltVw76
Using DNA to Search for WIMPs Breaking DNA strands to detect weakly interacting particles 09/98 AltVw91
`The Music of the (Neutron) Spheres Audio-modulated X-rays and neutron star masses 11/98 AltVw92
Before the Big Bang Pre-Big-Bang cosmology from superstring theory 03/99 AltVw94
Our Runaway Universe and Einstein's Cosmological Constant The discovery that the universe is accelerating in its expansion and that the vacuum has energy 05/99 AltVw95
Our Millimeter-Size Universe Superstring theory suggests that gravity is weak because its extra-dimensional loops are a millimeter in diameter. 12/99 AltVw98
BOOMERanG and the Sound of the Big Bang Measurements of small angle fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background pin down the Big Bang 01/01 AltVw104
Brane Bashing: An Alternative to the Big Bang? Was the universe created by extradimensional "branes" clapping together, with no Big Bang? 04/02 AltVw111
Group 5 - Gravity and General Relativity
The Alternate View
Column Title
Subject of Column Analog
Antigravity I: Negative Mass The gravitation of negative mass 07/86 AltVw14
Artificial Gravity: Which way is Up? Centrifugal gravity on space stations 02/87 AltVw18
Spiral Galaxies and Antigravity Beams Gravity waves from cosmic strings 01/88 AltVw24
The Rainbows of Gravity Einstein's ring and gravitational lensing 11/88 AltVw29
Falling through to Pelucidar Shadow matter and gravitation 04/89 AltVw32
The Twin Paradox Revisited Special relativity and time dilation 03/90 AltVw38
Centrifugal Forces and Black Holes Light-like orbits near a black hole 11/92 AltVw55
The Force of the Tide Gravitational tidal forces 01/94 AltVw63
The Alcubierre Warp Drive A warp-drive s olution to Einstein's equations 11/96 AltVw81
Antigravity Sightings  Woodward's Mach's Principle space drive 03/97 AltVw83
The Krasnikov Tube: A Subway to the Stars A solution to Einstein's equations in the form of a time-shortcut tube 09/97 AltVw86
Gravity Waves and LIGO The NSF's new gravity wave detectors 04/98 AltVw89
The Micro-Warp Drive An improvement on the Alcubierre Drive that makes the warp-bubble large on the inside and microscopic on the outside 02/00 AltVw99
General Relativity without 
Black Holes
The Yilmaz variant of General Relativity, which predicts that black holes do not exist. 04/00 AltVw100
Group 6 - Wormholes
The Alternate View
Column Title
Subject of Column Analog
Wormholes and Time Machines General relativity and FTL travel 06/89 AltVw33
Wormholes II: Getting There in No Time Wormholes as starships 05/90 AltVw39
Natural Wormholes: Squeezing the Vacuum Negative mass from squeezed vacuum 07/92 AltVw53
NASA Goes FTL - Part 1: Wormhole Physics JPL relativity/quantum workshop report 1 13/94 AltVw69
New Improved Wormholes Making wormholes without negative mass 11/00 AltVw103
Group 7 - Mega-Projects
The Alternate View
Column Title
Subject of Column Analog
The Coming of the SSC The Superconducting Supercollider Project 03/88 AltVw25
Mega-Projects & -Problems; The Hubble in Trouble NASA'a problems with the HST 02/91 AltVw44
RHIC: Big Bangs in the Lab Heavy-ion collider project at Brookhaven 06/91 AltVw46
CERN and the LHC The large hadronic collider project 05/92 AltVw52
DUMAND: Neutrinos from Beneath the Ocean Large underwater neutrino detector 06/93 AltVw59
Beauty and the B-Factory B mesons and matter: proposed accelerator to make B-mesons 09/94 AltVw67
CERN in Transition The new 33 TeV lead beams 06/95 AltVw72
The Decline and Fall of the SSC The killing of the DOE's Superconducting Super Collider Project  05/97 AltVw84
Gravity Waves and LIGO The NSF's new gravity wave detector 04/98 AltVw89
The Next Big Accelerator The "next linear collider" is being proposed by US, German, and Japanese groups as the next step in particle physics. 02/02 AltVw110
Group 8 - Space Drives
The Alternate View
Column Title
Subject of Column Analog
The Dark Side of the Force of Gravity The Dark Matter Problem 02/85 AltVw05
Strings and Things Cosmic strings 04/87 AltVw19
Laser Propulsion and the Four P's Laser-sustained propulsion 08/87 AltVw21
FTL Photons The Casimir Effect and the speed of light 13/90 AltVw43
Nuke Your Way to the Stars Continuously detonating nuclear rocket 13/92 AltVw56
The Tachyon Drive: Vex=¥and Eex= 0. Using tachyons as reaction fuel 10/93 AltVw61
NASA Goes FTL - Part 2: Cracks in Nature's FTL Armor JPL relativity/quantum workshop report 2 02/95 AltVw70
The Alcubierre Warp Drive A warp-drive solution to Einstein's equations 11/96 AltVw81
Space Drives, Phased Arrays, and Interferometry  Amplitude and intensity interferometry 01/97 AltVw82
Antigravity Sightings  Woodward's Mach's Principle space drive 03/97 AltVw83
The Krasnikov Tube: A Subway to the Stars A solution to Einstein's equations in the form of a time-shortcut tube 09/97 AltVw86
The Micro-Warp Drive An improvement on the Alcubierre Drive that makes the warp-bubble large on the inside and microscopic on the outside. 02/00 AltVw99
Group 9 - Evolution and Catastrophe
The Alternate View
Column Title
Subject of Column Analog
The Pump of Evolution The Fermi Paradox and catastrophes 01/86 AltVw11
Dinosaur Breath Cretaceous air trapped in amber 07/88 AltVw27
Killer Asteroids and You Earth-orbit-crossing asteroids 01/92 AltVw50
The "Rare Earth" Hypothesis A new book by an astronomer and a geophysicist argues that complex life must be very rare in our galaxy and our universe.  We may be alone. 09/00 AltVw102
Group 10 - Communications and Virtual Reality
The Alternate View
Column Title
Subject of Column Analog
Telepresence: Reach Out and Grab Someone Robotics and telepresence 07/90 AltVw40
A Visit to Virtual Seattle Virtual reality  11/90 AltVw42
The Bandwidth Revolution: Internet and WorldWideWeb The coming of the Web 03/94 AltVw64
News from CyberSpace: Virtual Reality and HyperText Report on two conferences 07/94 AltVw66
Group 11 - Flashes in the Pan - Things That Didn't Work
The Alternate View
Column Title
Subject of Column Analog
New Phenomena Magnetic monopoles, "anomalons", free quarks? 02/83 Analog-3
Again Monopoles Magnetic monopole detection at Stanford (?) 09/83 Analog-4
When Proton Meets Monopole Monopole catalysis and proton decay 07/84 AltVw01
Antigravity II: A Fifth Force? Hypercharge and hyperforce 09/86 AltVw15
Recent Results Review of past AV columns 06/87 AltVw20
Cold Fusion, Pro-fusion, and Con-fusion Pons & Fleischman and cold fusion? 12/89 AltVw36
The Rise and Fall of Gyro-Gravity Spin-modification of gravity? 09/90 AltVw41
Inside the Quark Preons and quark sub-structure 09/96 AltVw80
Breaking the Standard Model Evidence from DESY for a new particle: the leptoquark 11/97 AltVw87
Group 12 - Science Policy
The Alternate View
Column Title
Subject of Column Analog
The Territoriality of Space Exploration Guest Editorial: Should the USA have claimed the Moon as territory? 11/81 Analog-2
The Alternate Who???? 1st Alternate View column - Introduction of the author 07/84 AltVw00
The Retarding of Science AARSE - American Association for the Retardation of Science and Engineering (satire) 13/84 AltVw04
Dyson on Space Freeman Dyson's views on the space program  13/88 AltVw30
Science and SF in Japan Report on a trip to Japan 04/93 AltVw58
Science Policy: The Parable of the King and the Grain The politics of scientific decisions 08/93 AltVw60
CERN in Transition The new 33 TeV lead beams 06/95 AltVw72
2001, Then and Now How and why the year 2001 as depicted in the Stanley Kubrick film differs from the the reality of the year 2001? 07/01 AltVw107

Note 1: Month "13" in the issue list above indicates the Mid-December issue of Analog.
Note 2: The "Alternate" of the column title refers to the fact that they appear in alternate issues of Analog, originally alternating with columns by the late G. Harry Stine and more recently with columns by Jeffery D. Kooistra .
Note 3: Recent columns may not be provided with links because they have not yet appeared in Analog, which holds first serial rights for their publication. 

43 posted on 02/16/2003 4:24:09 PM PST by vannrox (The Preamble to the Bill of Rights - without it, our Bill of Rights is meaningless!)
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To: vannrox
None of the articles which you have listed reflect any of my interests and knowledge. I would respectfully suggest that you explore other avenues of investigation than a cousin of "Omni" magazine. Even google on the keywords which I mentioned would get you much further than this balderdash which you have suggested.
60 posted on 02/16/2003 5:37:17 PM PST by Fractal Trader
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