Quite the screed. It's funny he mentions the Soviet Union and Red China as being 'unscientific':
The Soviet Union, in its fascination with Lysenko, destroyed its geneticists, and set back its biological sciences for decades. China, during the Cultural Revolution, turned against Western science and is still laboring to overcome the devastation that resulted.
when both of these Godless nations (as all communist nations/prisons) treat darwinism as an inviolate religon...
I also don't get the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics defense. I guess I must plead to having a sub-Kindergarden level of intelligence because it sure seems like a violation of this law - and all observations - for a system to become more orderly without a blueprint (e.g., DNA template in a seed), or guiding hand. I am unable to grasp how undirected sunlight + time created -voila- increased order and complexity.
Thanks, though, for posting the links to answersingenesis.org and icr.org.
The Altruistic Premise of Communism/Socialism is dependent upon an abandonment of logic, which cannot be abandoned and so wreaks it havoc in consequences. The Communist paradigm of absolute control means they must, at given points, stifle the very innovation it takes for any society to progress. Societies either progress or regress, but they never stay the same. China is up against it once again with the Internet. They will stall if they don't give their people full access to the Internet, yet Communism cannot continue with full information exchange and open discussion.
Whether they treat evolution as 'an inviolate religion' or not is irrelevant. Go ask Osama, which post 118 reminds me of, whether accepting the existence of a Creator makes one reluctant to murder or not. Separate issues. I can't think of a system of thought that hasn't condoned some evil at some time.
Your ignorance is does not necessarily indicate a lack of intelligence. It does, however, clearly indicate a lack of knowledge. Many real sub-Kindergarten children are very intelligent but their lack of learning makes them ignorant. Time and the application of their intelligence in a genuine quest for knowledge will make them less ignorant. The same principles could apply to you - God willing.