I thought Dennis Miller's best come-back to Donohue was, "I want to preserve an America where you can continue to miss the point in." I was going to point this one out, too. It was great. I also liked Miller's conversation about what started turning his head: The use of the term "Hitler-like" or "Nazi-like" to describe certain Republicans. He said the first time he heard it was in regards to Guilliani (pre-9/11). He then went to NY and decided that the city really was a lot more pleasant and ran better with this guy Guilliani in charge.
Miller made some great points that don't normally get made. Maybe we're just afraid to make them sometimes. But his pointing to the use of the term "nazi" was brilliant because it was the truth. And then pointing out Giuliani's success, and the "nazi" Ashcroft who bowed out of an election rather than increase a widow's pain. You just don't hear people making bald contrasts like that, and it worked.
His criticisms of schools were dead-on as well. Grades are good. Dodgeball is good. Quit whining!
It was lovely to hear.