Jayna Davis and Laurie Mylroie have "cogent, respectable" arguments too. But as many times as I have raised their arguments, Raimondo refuses to discuss them or accord them any respect.
I fail to understand why Raimondo alone should be accorded a fair hearing, and why he should have license to dismiss others' opinions in the most arrogant and high-handed manner, using such dismissive phrases as "tin-foil hat" material and so forth.
This is just a well-articulated way of saying "How come Johnny gets to stay up late and I don't?" You're better than this. Raimondo's flip dismissals of your points will be seen for what they are. That doesn't excuse your indulgence in equally bankrupt tactics.
I think your argument has its weak points too, but there seems to be little principled discussion going on and a whole lot of squabbling.
Why don't you try restating your criticisms, and call on Justin to rebut them one by one?