How do you eat an elephant my friend!
ONE bite at a time!
I'm on YOUR side but until every Tom, Dick, and Harry in the country is accutely aware of what he is paying that AIN'T gonna happen!
ONE bite at a time!
That's the main reason I'm apprehensive about this whole NRST idea. If we were starting a new government, and were discussing what would be better, NRST or income tax, NRST would win with me hands down. But the problem is is that we already have an income tax. Throwing another type of tax into the mix, even if you have the full intention of completely replacing the current system (i.e, eating the elephant whole), will more likely result in a hybrid system, which will be worse than what we have now.
Yes, I know you all say that your proposal would completely eliminate the income tax, destroy all IRS records, burn their buildings to the ground and have the NRC declare them contaminated waste sites, etc., etc. But I hardly think it realistic to expect that once you start the debate, you're going to be able to control the direction it'll move in. Call me overly cautious, but flattening the income tax, while not a perfect solution, would drastically improve the current situation, without creating what in my judgment is a highly unnecessary risk.