I would have cheerfully killed every SOB in that town,and gone to bed and slept like a baby. That was a American,not a enemy. You are the one who seems to be having difficulty telling the difference between a American and a fundie Muslim enemy. Then again,this is to be expected. You or a loved one IS a fundie Muslim.
Don't trouble yourselves, everybody, I'll do a Donozark and write your responses for you:
...oh, those poor Somalis. The heat of the battlefield, how could Byron be so judgmental, he's never been in the army, he could never understand how right it is, to desecrate enemy dead.....
I didn't know you guys were allowed to take drugs.
Not at all.
I'm the one who doesn't want Americans using 'fundie Muslim' tactics.
No probs.
As long as you didn't break out the pen knife, pliers and camera in between the killing, and bed.