I will never forget him correcting me in class. I described Alcibiades as not having a lot of "character". Dr. Agnew said "Oh no, he had lots of character, just perhaps not good character."
I belonged to the Geography club and we invited him to a meeting. He showed a slide show of kodachromes he had taken all over Greece, the Greek Islands, Asia Minor, and Crete.
He was a good photographer and the slides were fascinating as was his talk. He showed one of the throne of King Minos at Knossos. He mentioned that so many tourists had a seat on it that it was wearing.
Someone asked if he sat on it. He said "I am ashamed to say I did".
(It's o.k., I don't think it's original, I think it was cast in con"crete" by Sir Arthur Evans.)
My Archaeology prof had a bunch of cool slides too. He was head of the American School in Athens while they were excavating the Agora. Really neat stuff!