First of all, the lighter more hysterical things...the woman who commissioned a silk scarf with peace signs? I can just see what it looks like...let me google a pic.
Marilyn Nelson. I pictured she'd be a porker. I was right. She would look like a pig in a poke with her ugly scarf with the much smaller and more beautiful Laura. Talk about a fashion faux pas! Ack! She should kiss the ground that Laura walks on for inviting her to the WH.
Here's Sam Hamill Hmm, dare I say he looks like he's part of the Lavendar Mafia? ICK! Hmm, googled him up and WHAT A SUPRISE! He's gay! Well, well, no surprise there.
He's changed his hair, but the eyes don't lie. Time to run old Grima Wormtongue out of town again.