Heh, that's what I kept waiting for the author to figure out but he never did.
Let's see now:
1. All the top talk radio shows are Conservative
2. (More)Conservative Fox News is kicking CNN all over the place.
3. Conservatives were just elected into office by large margins.
4. We're facing terror attacks and war with Iraq so the country is in a more conservative mood.
Now facing these facts, what does CNN do to counter all this? It puts on ultra-lib Donahue who promptly tanks along with fellow liberal Chris Matthew's Hardball. What a brilliant move.
These guys either don't have a clue or just can't bring themselves to move to the right just a little bit. I'll be glad when they sign off forever if they want to continue their left wing slant.
Problem with this is, CNN didn't put them on. You're thinking of MSNBC.