"-- government has the power to prohibit liberty with due process. --"
Wrong. -- Government has the power to jail convicted criminals, -- but only by using due process in both the writing & enforcing of the law.
Tex opines:
I am 100% with you that government has no power to regulate, prohibit, or do anything else that interferes with our personal lives unless we violate the right of another.
Problem with you is, you cannot see that different people have different standards in which they see their rights infringed.
The problem with you is, you cannot 'see'/understand that we have established Constitutional standards, the 'Law of the Land'.
Why can't a community get together, like fellow libertarians are trying to do in New Hampshire (I think it is) and decide on what they see is right violations, and, therefor set their own community/state standards?
They can. They can set reasonable standards for public behaviors, using due process under Constitutional law.
If I wan't to live in a community free from crack users, why can I not get together with a community and put together a township, or county that prohibits that within it's boundaries?
Because any political subdivision is subject to upholding our Law of the Land. -- You can however, put together a privately owned communitarian community with strict regulations on drugs, morality, etc. -- Feel free, as long as you don't violate individual rights in doing so.
And if you disagree with said prohibition, don't go in.
Exactly. - Many condo associations would welcome you. If you break their rules, out you go, all quite legally.
But evicting you is it, -- they can't jail you.
Private associations are run by whoever owns/controls them. -- Within reason.
Is this not how our founders set up our states and counties?
Nope, our State & local governments are run by 'we the people' pledged to the rule of Constitutional law. -- They can jail you for lawbreaking.
Get the difference yet, texbaby?
-- I'm sure you do, but like paulsen, you just don't want to 'see' it.
Communitarian-ism is a form of social blindness.
There. I fixed it. The citizens of each state decide how they will live together. Condos and communitarian communities are not necessary.