The really amazing thing is it's all this flap is elevating the Stars and Bars from a symbol of a defeated revolution to a status symbol of pride. The first black daddy (I know, he probably wasn't around but we won't go there) whose kid came home complaining should have simply told his upset son, "Grow up, boy, and live with it. You won't always like the people around you. The best way to deal with it is to do well in school, then refuse to hire the bums in the business you create." If that had been the black reaction then the flag would be a symbol of a bygone era, nothing more.
I think it was Lenny Bruce who did a comic routine suggesting that JFK should introduce his cabinet saying, "n*****, n*****, greaseball, greasball, whop, honkey, ..." so that the words would lose their offensive power. The black community could learn a lot from that kind of thinking.