You need to have a web page where you can store the actual images, then link them to your home page via: <IMG SRC="URL"> .
Many ISP's provide access to a personal website that a lot of customers don't even realize they have! If not there are some pretty cheap ones around.
1) You find a really cool graphic on another website, right click on it, click on "properties", and write down the web address of the graphic. Then, on your profile page, you would type in the html code for it: < img src .That is risky, though, because if the person's site crashes or they take off the pictures, you'll just get a big where the pic was.
The second way is more reliable. You dload or save the pics, graphics, whatever to your hard drive. Then, you upload them to your own website or FTP space (for AOL users). The address for the graphic or pic might be something like: or That way, you will never have a big ole because you know the pics are there! :-)