So the question is : How does he view the Amendments. Does he thing the 2nd Amendment guarantees citizens the right to own a gun and carry that gun on their person? Don't you think we should find out before we call his a "conservative"?
Again, I don't particularly care about his personal political views, so long as he is a strict constructionist. Just because most strict constructionists are conservatives does not mean the two are synonymous. Likewise with judicial activists and liberals.
As far as the Second Amendment, a strict constructionist would look at the plain writing and take the conservative position. A judicial activist would not.
I think asking him about his reading of the Constitution would be a fair line of questioning. Asking his opinion of specific laws or previous SCOTUS opinions would not...
Re: "Don't you think we should find out before we call him a "conservative"?"
Obviously you will not find out from Bush shepple for a reason. However, your best bet to find out will be if the Democrats Bork him. If they don't, it is because they know what the Bush supporters won't 'fess' up to. Like Rudman sneaking Souter through and Elder Bush not bothering to find out or being a willing dupe.