To: SevenofNine
BBC wire reporting that North Korea is developing A Bomb at this moment and report from UN is reporting that North Korea going face another hard winter with mass starvation You want my opinion .. North Korea is dumber then I ever gave them credit for
This will NOT end well for them and the UN best get their butt in gear and put a lid on these idiots
90 posted on
12/26/2002 7:32:47 PM PST by
To: Mo1
Look no further than that idiot's haircut.
On the brighter note, Bush is named the most-admired man by 28% Americans in a poll conducted by Gallup, he's followed by YES, I kid you not - Peanut brain Jimmy Carter at 8%, on the other hand, Laura Bush lost to Hillbeast by 1%. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson