What the good Dr. Williams has suggested in this article is that those who would hold Conservatives/Republicans to a higher standard than Liberals/Democrats (and examples of this abound) are practicing political bigotry. In the same vein he suggests, and points out specific examples of whites being held to a higher standard than blacks - Here's an example. Here's another. Very un-PC of Dr. Williams to point out these discrepancies, I might add.
Are they children? Children make gaffes all the time that adults are shunned for. Do you really think it is noble of us to accept the dichotomy, to treat our political opponents as children and to let them skate on behavior that we ourselves are shunned and hated for? They want all the advantages of adulthood, but none of the responsibilities, none of the consequences for indecent behavior, and that's okay with you?
That would mean, wouldn't it, that we think we are better than they are? Well, we in our persons are not better. We are all created equal, equally entitled to human rights and human dignity, and equally culpable when we err against human decency and decorum.
It is in the arena of political ideas that are superior and the Liberal Democrats are inferior. Hands down our proposed solutions merit higher appraisal - if I didn't think so I wouldn't be a member of the VRWC. To purport that any one political party, race, gender or religion ought to be held to a higher standard in a just, color-blind and egalitarian society, to say that this is a good thing, is bigotry disguised as nobility. Are you proud to be held to a higher standard? Doesn't that place others beneath your feet, lower than you are on the totem pole?
It is in the arena of ideas that Conservative Republicans rise above. Nothing inherent in our persons makes us more capable or more culpable than anyone else. There are certain social standards of behavior that all ought to uphold and maintain equally. This does not apply to children, who don't know any better.
I refuse to treat anyone of legal age and sound mind, regardless of their individual distinctions and affiliations, differently than I myself expect to be treated.
Bummer. That should read: "It is in the arena of political ideas that WE (i.e., Conservatives/Republicans)are superior and the Liberal Democrats are inferior."
I hate when I do that.
My point is that whether the Dems criticize us or not, we should hold our elected members to high standards something that doesn't trouble Dems. If the Dems had said or done nothing about the Lott statement, I would have wanted him out. If he meant what he said about Thurmond, that makes him a racist and eminently dispensable. If he didn't mean it, it makes him obtuse. His further groveling in front of the libs was sickening and confirmed my worst fears. I don't think Lott really desires a return to the days of Jim Crow, and I don't think you get where he was by being an idiot. Above all he's not the person I want as majority leader. Too much baggage and not the best man. Frist will do much better.