Bill Clinton was the five term governor of Arkansas and never once attempted to remove the "star of the confederacy" from the Arkansas Sate flag, Arkansas official documents or emblems. Neither did Hillary.
While Bill and Hillary Clinton were running Arkansas they did not want to enforce the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and had to be sued by the NAACP to enforce it.
Sen Ernest Hollings mad the State of South Carolina fly the confederate flag over the state house while he as SC governor.
Sen Byrd was a KKK member and a Recruiter.
Bills Clintons mentor ; William Fulbright was a staunch segregationist. Bill Clinton's political mentors - former Arkansas Sen. J. William Fulbright and former Arkansas Gov. Orville Faubus were both rabid segregationists.
Clinton highly praises Fulbright and bestowed upon him the Presidential Medal of Freedom Award.
Donna Brazile, Al Gore's presidential campaign manager, called Republicans "white boys" who seek to "exclude, denigrate and leave behind."
To: Miss Marple; gov_bean_ counter; TLBSHOW; Wait4Truth
Maybard Jackson was pushed aside for Terry McAuliffe. Carl McCall's money was diverted to McBride in Florida. The Minnesota Supreme Court justice, who is a formal football star and black (name escapes me) was passed over in favor of Fritz Mondale. Harold Ford was not only passed over for Nancy Pelosi, but Pelosi made a good try at humiliating him in public.
Excellent analysis of govbeancounters post, MissMarple.
Why oh why won't we hear one of the stuffed shirt GOP Senators on todays talk shows point any of this out? 35 posted on 12/22/2002 7:43 AM PST by MamaLucci
Now, at this late date, you're defending the GOP from racist charges being leveled by the liberal establishment. It would have been better to have done so, at the height of the Lott fiasco. Instead, you and others chose to condemned Lott and run from the liberal race baiting. That's shameful.