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The Democrat Plan to regain control of the US Senate in January.
| 12-17-2002
Posted on 12/17/2002 11:56:04 AM PST by vannrox
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To: vannrox
"The Democrat Plan to..."
To: thinktwice
Trent Lott handing control of the US Senate to Democrats would make him America's greatest traitor ever Actually that would be Clinton as history will reveal.
Comment #43 Removed by Moderator
To: BJungNan
"By joining the Democrat party, I will retain my Leadership position, as a Democrat I can no longer be accused of being a racist and I will be joining a party that will stand by me no matter what I do."
Outstanding spoof - but yet so true! Good post!
To: vannrox
The problem is Lott. He will rather resign and screw his own party instead of sucking it up and being a normal Senator for two years. Lott knew what he was saying when he said it. He should of known what the respose would have been. To claim that things would have been better if a known racist was president, was either done on purpose or it was done out of stupidity. Either way Lott should realize that he cannot lead the Republicans any more. He has given his own party a no win scenario, which means he could care less about them. Either the Republicans limp along with a damaged leader in the Senate or Lott will make sure the Democrats control the Senate.
To: hobbes1
I don't believe Lott was endorsing segregation, but to not know that such was the implication of his comments regarding the Dixiecrats 1948 platform and Strom's candidacy, makes the man incredibly stupid. Also, he has been a terrible majority/minority leader for the Republicans, unable to accomplish anything.
I say let him go and we'll win the special election for his seat. I'm willing to bet that if he stays as majority leader, he will be completely ineffective, or worse, will actively push leftist bills to suck up to the democrats.
In the worst case scenario, we lose the senate and America spends the next two years watching Daschle and Co. be obstructionists and push far-left agendas, which will result in a big win in 2004, both for President Bush, and for a larger majority in the Senate.
posted on
12/17/2002 1:48:27 PM PST
To: vannrox
I don't buy this. Moderates like Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins have tremendous respect for President Bush. His public statements against Lott the other day stunned the liberals. I even heard Mario Cuomo call Bush "a different kind of Republican" on Hardball, much to my surprise.
There will be no moe defections.
To: montag813
And I think Daschle is still smarting from the fallout of the Jeffords switch.
If he obstructs as Majority Leader, he turns off the center. If he cuts deals, he ticks off his base. I think he'll be wary of any defection this time around.
posted on
12/17/2002 2:30:49 PM PST
To: PenguinWry
What about his handling of the Senate hearings on Clintons impeachment? I will never forgive him for this.
posted on
12/17/2002 2:55:34 PM PST
my right
Comment #50 Removed by Moderator
To: vannrox
One little problem. If Lott leaves, the Senate is 50-49-1, not 50-50. The Pubs still have a majority. If there is a jumper to independent the Senate is then tied, 49-49-2, with Cheney being the tie breaker. The Dimplecrats better play nice now cause it looks like the Pubs will pick up three or four seats in 2004. The minority leaders office might just end up in the basement next to the boiler room.
posted on
12/17/2002 3:06:54 PM PST
To: PenguinWry
If this weasel wanted to try to save face, this would be the time to show some gumption and sit down, shut up, vote conservatively and try to ride out the rest of his term.
posted on
12/17/2002 3:10:23 PM PST
my right
To: mwl1
Lott has not said that he would not resign from the Senate. I have no idea where you get that source. From Newsweek:
As the call began, McConnellsecond in command and a Lott allydelivered a history lesson. Leaders who are ousted tend to leave altogether, he said in his voice-of-doom baritone. That is what Newt Gingrich did. That is what Jim Wright did. They dont stick around. If Lott left, he noted, the Democratic governor of Lotts home state of Mississippi would name one of his own as a replacement. Republicans relishing the return of perks, power and committee chairmanships could forget it. Instead, they would face the kiss-your-sister chaos of a 50-50 Senate. I was just explaining the history, McConnell told NEWSWEEK. Other participants remember the moment differently. He was raising the idea that Trent would blow himself up, said one. Lott, for his part, distanced himself from the threateven as aides still were making it on his behalf. My term runs through 2006, he told NEWSWEEK. I intend to serve it, whatever happens.
The relevant passage, if you missed it:
My term runs through 2006, he [Lott] told NEWSWEEK. I intend to serve it, whatever happens. In other words, the Lott resignation was a trial balloon floated by Mitch McConnell that has been disavowed by Lott himself.
If you don't believe me, check for yourself at
To: vannrox
"Feel the power of the
Dark Side of the Force"
It has now been shown that the liberal DemonRats cannot win an election fair and square, but they ultimately win in the end.
In New Jersey they switched candidates.
In South Dakota and Louisiana they stole the election and thus two Senate seats by voter fraud and other corruption.
In the Senate itself they gain back control by hypocritically destroying a Senator.
Next, they will threaten other RINOS and "moderates" like Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, Lincoln Chafee and others with the same...unless they switch parties.
Goodbye Republican control. Hello DemonRATic control.
Little Tommy Daschle must be jumping for joy.
The Dems can't get their agena advanced through legislation, so the have their liberal judges advance it from the bench.
They also can't win elections or power fairly, so they do as I described above.
"The Emperor will be pleased my apprentice Darth Daschle"..."Yes my master Darth Klinton"
To: ModelBreaker
Actually, if Lott leaves the Senate after January 1, the election does not have to be held until November 2003. Which means that the democrats could have control of the Senate for almost the entire year.
Republicans are shooting themselves in the head with this strategy.
posted on
12/17/2002 4:08:52 PM PST
To: E. Pluribus Unum
posted on
12/17/2002 4:58:38 PM PST
To: buffyt
I think the BLACK CAUCUS is SEGREGATIONIST!!!!!!!!! It's okay for black people to be bigots.
To: kylaka
One little problem. If Lott leaves, the Senate is 50-49-1, not 50-50. The Pubs still have a majority. If there is a jumper to independent the Senate is then tied, 49-49-2, with Cheney being the tie breaker. The Dimplecrats better play nice now cause it looks like the Pubs will pick up three or four seats in 2004. The minority leaders office might just end up in the basement next to the boiler room.New math?
posted on
12/17/2002 5:11:09 PM PST
To: vannrox
The term of the Dem Gov of MS is up in one year. Haley Barbour is going to run against him and is predicted the likely winner. If Lott will hold on one year (which he might do as a personal favor to Haley if nothing else), then Barbour can go ahead an appoint a Republican replacement.
Jeffords proved that the greatest point of power is threatening to change parties, not really doing it. Jeffords showed that you can't count on the Dems for squat. After all, with the DNC financial problems, layoffs, etc., which Republican senator would like to depend on them for financial support in the next campaign? The more likely scenario would be that the Republican would end up having to supplement the DNC campaign warchest.
Alot of wishin'-and-hopin' on the part of the Dems in this article.
posted on
12/17/2002 5:16:48 PM PST
To: vannrox
The Demoncraps have put themselves in a WIN WIN WIN situation with this fiasco - or so they think
Scenario 1 - your scenario - Lott Resigns, Chafee switches, Dems control - DEMS WIN
Scenario 2 - Lott stays - Dems hammer Republican Racist theme ad nauseum - DEMS WIN
Scenario 3 - Lotts steps down or is removed, Stays in Senate, Don Nickles or Bill Frist becomes Majority Leader - Dems now have "Right-Wing Extremist in the mold of Newt Gingrich" to hammer and howl and scream at and about for 2 years - DEMS WIN.
At least that is WHAT THEY THINK - Now Reality steps in
Scenario 1 - Lott Leaves, in 90 Days Miss has Election and brings in a REAL Conservative Senator -- Doesn't really matter what Chafee does - if 50/50 there will be no sharing and Cheney will have the deciding vote - Conservative judges get confirmed, Bush agenda gets pushed forward, America prospers and the Dems are seen as the Race-baiting chest thumpers they are
Scenario 2 - Lott stays, Conservative judges get confirmed, Bush agenda gets pushed forward, America prospers and the Dems are seen as the Race-baiting chest thumpers they are
Scenario 3 - Frist or Nickles leads the Senate even more to the Conservative side and the Difference between Dems and Reps becomes even more apparent - and Conservative judges get confirmed, Bush agenda gets pushed forward, America prospers and the Dems are seen as the Race-baiting chest thumpers they are
This whole charade is a Demoncrap ploy to do nothing more than keep the Blacks on the Plantation, because the only chance they have in 2004 is to get a Huge Black turnout -- It does not matter whether Lott stays or goes, who controls the Senate etc etc -- Look for the Racial Drums to beat louder and louder over the next 2 years Culminating in a series of 1960's style Race riots in Late Summer 2004, with the biggy being a huge Race riot in Harlem (if the Reps pick NY) or in whatever city they do pick on the EVE of the Republican Convention. You heard it here first
posted on
12/17/2002 5:17:19 PM PST
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