In today's world, political correctness is a huge problem. The kind of hatred that the left accuses the right of today was actually true back in 1948. It's not political correctness that causes people to be offended by a powerful politician intimating that we would have been better off had we not abolished the kind of bigotry that existed back then.
Excuse me, but, it was the Democrats who were the segregationists back in 1948. The Dixiecrats were Democrats disenfranchised with their party platform. It was the Democrat Party that opposed Civil Rights in the 1940's, 1950's and 1960's, not the Republicans.
Isn't it ironic that the very same political party that was actually guilty of racism and segregation in those times, is wagging the accusatory finger today?
It is political correctness that is being shoved down this nation's throats when the biggest practioner of "PC" ignores the atrocities of its own membership but applies it only where it deems it to fit it's agenda.