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Michelle Malkin



Michelle Malkin began her career in newspaper journalism a decade ago as an editorial writer and columnist for the Los Angeles Daily News.  She continued at the Seattle Times in 1996. Her column, now syndicated by Creators Syndicate, appears in about 100 papers nationwide.

Malkin has appeared on The O'Reilly Factor, Hannity and Colmes, The McLaughlin Group, The Lehrer Report, and 20/20. She is currently a FOX News commentator. Her first book, Invasion: How America Still Welcomes Terrorists, Criminals, and Other Foreign Menaces to Our Shores, was released by Regnery on September 9, 2002.

Malkin, the daughter of Filipino immigrants, was born in Philadelphia in 1970 and raised in southern New Jersey. She is a graduate of Oberlin College. She lives with her husband and daughter in Maryland. She can be reached via e-mail at

Photo © Mike Lynaugh.
And from

"Awesome absolute must-read....just fantastic....
You won't find more diligent research anywhere."
--Rush Limbaugh, October 23, 2002


Invasion ranks #14 on the New York Times Nonfiction Bestseller list

1 posted on 12/08/2002 4:18:17 PM PST by RonDog
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To: doug from upland; ALOHA RONNIE; DLfromthedesert; PatiPie; flamefront; onyx; SMEDLEYBUTLER; Irma; ...
See also:

C-SPAN: Michelle Malkin; Sunday (12/8) on C-SPAN at 8pm/11pm ET
C-Span , Booknotes ^ | 12/6/2002 | Michelle Malking
Posted on 12/06/2002 8:33 PM PST by BrowningBAR

December 8, 2002 Invasion: How America Still Welcomes Terrorists, Criminals and Other Foreign Menaces to Our Shores by Michelle Malkin

Watch Sunday on C-SPAN at 8pm/11pm ET

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CLICK HERE to Watch (

TONIGHT!! - Sunday (12/8) on C-SPAN -   at 8pm Pacific/11pm ET

-- snip --

There is a short preview of her pre-recorded interview (which will be broadcast in its entirety TONIGHT) at:
-- snip --

From an earlier thread:

This Sunday's Booknotes teaser.....

33 posted on 12/04/2002 12:59 PM PST by hole_n_one

2 posted on 12/08/2002 4:22:43 PM PST by RonDog
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To: Mercuria
Now, here is PART TWO of Mercuria's AMAZING FReep report - and THIS part is truly a "labor of love": a word-for-word (verbatim) transcription of Michelle Malkin's ENTIRE speech to the CCIR that evening:

And now, ladies and gentlemen, the moment we've waited for. The opportunity to hear from one of the most courageous ladies you'll ever meet. We're here to see her tonight.

Born in Philadelphia to Filipino parents - who came to the U.S. legally, I might add - she lived in New Jersey and attended Oberlin College in Ohio, planning to become a concert pianist. However, finding herself in intense conflict with the extremely liberal political scene there, she instead majored in government and English.

However, it was after she and her college sweetheart, who is now her husband, Jesse, published an article for the student paper criticizing the college affirmative action policy, that changed her goals. It was the violence of the response from the self-appointed minority leaders who presume that they speak for every non-white person, spewing their contempt for our immigration laws and refusing to speak for legal immigrants, that set the course for her career in journalism. Added to the fact that her parents constantly stressed showing gratitude for the freedoms we have here in America, it was then that she decided that "these people don't speak for me", which has been the driving force behind her career and her life.

After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, she felt that writing the book Invasion was a patriotic duty, or as she put it, "just a way to give back to the country." Well, her book is much more than that. Praised by Representative Tom Tancredo, given a glowing review by Peter Brimelow, author of Alien Nation, called a "must read" by Rush Limbaugh, and "a stunning indictment" by Sean Hannity, it is the most shocking documented expose' on our own corrupt government support of terrorism that you will ever read. Ladies and gentlemen, there is much more I could tell you about this lady, but you didn't come here to hear me. So on that note, it is my honor and my pleasure to introduce a great American and patriot. Folks, let's give a warm hand to Michelle Malkin.



Thank you so much. There's so much to be grateful for on this Thanksgiving Eve. So many people to thank and it's so wonderful to be here personally to do it. I've made so many friends now over the course of researching, both in publishing and going out and talking with people across the country, and I'd like to give a personal thanks to you, Barbara Coe, for all you've done for so many years, being a whistleblower and organizer on this issue, and weathering so much demonization by the press. Also among the heroes that you introduced that has been so wonderful to me and come to know them - Terry Anderson, who I'm just absolutely addicted to now. And I have to say I've just become more inspired and optimistic about the situation. I'm hearing from naturalized Americans and their families across the country who are incensed and disgusted and outraged by the continued abdication of responsibility of our Federal Government. And so many people have handed me a card with Article 4, Section 4 of the Constitution. [microphone feedback] It is a liberal plot, somebody doesn't want me to say it!

"The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government and shall protect each of them against invasion."

It's been interesting as I go around to different cities and meeting with editorial boards of various papers. A lot of them aren't even aware of this section in the Constitution. Do they not know what invasion is? A violation, an infringement, a trespass. You here in this part of the country, in this part of the state, know full well probably more than any other region in the country that this invasion has been taking place a lot longer than September 11, 2001. It's not as if your eyes were opened for the first time when those planes hit the buildings that killed thousands of Americans on American soil. Illegal invaders have been doing that for a long, long time.

I'm wearing this pin. It's got a badge number on it - 57 - and underneath it is says, "In remembrance of Deputy Dave March." I met his sister yesterday at a signing in Westwood, at the Westwood Borders. Dave March, as I'm sure many of you know, is the deputy who was gunned down by an illegal invader who had been previously deported in 1992 and 1994 and 2001, who has been convicted of two felonies in this country. He had been guilty of drug violations and weapons violations, and he was able to escape the federal law already on the books for a long time, requiring criminal prosecution for illegal re-entry, illegal invasion, in this country.

There are so many stories like that. And what I did was to set out to tell those stories, those flesh and blood stories, because the mainstream media wouldn't. And it's interesting, when I talk about these stories, you know how people react on the open borders side of this debate? "Well, but, well you know, that's emotional, that's an anecdote, that's un-American."

Life that has been taken! And they shrug their shoulders, it doesn't matter to them. It's an anecdote. Well, as journalists, that's what we're supposed to do, we're supposed to collect facts and work sources and tell stories. And yet these stories are ignored. The open borders mafia doesn't want to hear these stories, they don't want to tell these stories.

And this huge double-standard for somebody who works in journalism, because of course, if you read the Washington Post and the New York Times, they're all too happy to tell the stories of ...well, what kind of poor, emotional "anecdotes" do you get from the L.A. Times? About, oh, you know, the "visa overstayer" or the "border crosser" or the "undocumented" - not illegal, of course - who simply evaded deportation orders, but really, they haven't committed any other crimes. They're harmless, they're great for our society, good for our economy. We get plenty of those stories, don't we? Not emotional, but anecdotal. Now how come those are on the front page? And how come the reporters who write those stories get Pulitzer Prizes? For tugging at the heartstrings?

Well, I think we need to hear from the other side, and that's what I'm going to continue to do. That's the message I'm going to continue to send. And when I met David March's sister, it just really smacked me in the face, but those people, those victims, continue to be voiceless and as many stories as I compiled in the book, they continue to pile up every day. And of course you have to sort of decode the stories when they do finally report them, because they'll never identify these illegal invaders as illegal. It's a guessing game!

And that's what was the case with Lee Malvo. On the day that Lee Malvo, the sniper suspect, was arrested with John Muhammad, we got from the media that he was a "Jamaican National".


Thanks to some brave whistleblowers in the Border Patrol and who worked with the INS, they were able to find out his story. Once again, it's so typical, that typical story of catch and release, where border patrol agents who had him in custody had recommended that he be detained and kept in detention until he was deported because he and his mother were "likely to abscond". That warning was ignored and the consequences were bloody, bloody. There's so much blood spattered on the walls of the INS and the federal immigration court system. And nobody's cleaning it up.

And renaming the INS and splitting it up and pouring 37 billion dollars into a new Homeland Security Department that isn't going to do a whit about it. If September 11 doesn't serve as a wake-up call to many people who haven't been paying attention...but I think there still is the stubborn unwillingness to make the connection between controlling mass illegal immigration from all over the world, not just the Middle East, but from the south as well - making that connection between controlling massive illegal immigration and winning a war on terror. You can't do one and fail in the other.

As I illustrate in the book, I don't know how many times I can repeat the connection which was illustrated on September 11, of illegal alien day laborers who are able to hang out at the nearby 7-11, a stone's throw from the Pentagon, who traffic in fake documents, and that is exactly where the September 11 hijackers knew to go! They knew exactly where to go. They waited around with a couple of twenty dollars bills, and this illegal alien from El Salvador was quite happy and willing to give them the documents that they needed to board the planes that they flew into buildings that killed those thousands of Americans.

The local cops, who I interviewed, admit that those people who were hanging around there are there illegally, but they're not going to do anything about it. And they're not doing anything about it now. I visited that same 7-11 a year after the September 11 attacks, and they're all still there. And nobody's doing anything about it.

And to add insult to injury, the Pentagon has been rebuilt. Did you know who the federal government paid to help rebuild the Pentagon? They admitted that illegal aliens helped rebuild the Pentagon, at the sacred, hallowed ground where thousands of Americans died, not just there of course at Ground Zero as well. As a result of lax immigration enforcement. I couldn't think of anything more slanderous and defamatory. What a desecration that is. But hey, it was cheap. We paid for it.

A couple of weeks ago, I met with the parents of Kris Eggle, Bob and Bonnie Eggle. And many of you are probably familiar with the story. I wrote about it earlier this summer. He was a park ranger who was gunned down by a Mexican drug dealer, toting an AK-47 and using our federal monument lands as their playground. And this story touches me so much because Kris was just a few years younger than I was. He was a cross-country runner, like my husband. In fact, they almost look alike, they resemble each other, and it was probably because of his running prowess that he died. He was chasing these drug dealers along with the Border Patrol agents. He was able to run ahead of the other Border Patrol agents and that's why he was ambushed, because the drug dealers were hiding in the brush. And while Kris was still alive, his father, who is a Vietnam veteran, would go down to the border and help his son fix the broken fences between the U.S. and Mexico border. He'd actually bring his pliers down and repair the holes in the fences.

Bob Eggle had lost an eye in the Vietnam War, and when he met me, when he and his wife met me, he looked me in the eye with his one eye and he said, "I gave this for my country in one war, and now I gave this - " he pointed to a picture of his son - "in another war." And President Bush will not meet with Bob and Bonnie Eggle. They got a courtesy visit from the Department of the Interior which promised to look into the situation.

I get so mad. I mean, it's not something you can fake. When you think about these good Americans who've been cheaply ignored by the government, and of course as I make clear in the book, it's both Democrats and Republicans, and I think the Republicans are worse. Here we have a party that's supposed to stand for respect for the rule of law. Here this party is running away from brave people like Tom Tancredo, who simply stands up when he reads about an illegal alien whining on the front page of the local paper that can't get subsidized for college discount rates, and Tom Tancredo says, "Umm, shouldn't we be enforcing the law?" And look what happened to Tom Tancredo. Strung up on a tree limb by his toes practically, demonized, demonized like many of you in this room have been, for simply standing up and saying, "Shouldn't government enforce the law? Isn't there this Article 4, Section 4 in the Constitution about protecting each state against invasion?"

Respect for the law. Now Republicans are on another amnesty crusade. I can't make this stuff up. I mean, you would think after September 11, you would think after the sniping attack, you would think after the murder of good people like Kris Eggle and David March and Tina Kerbrat, an LAPD rookie that I wrote about who was gunned down by illegal alien day laborers, drinking on the streets, who had already been ordered deported and who had committed so many crimes in this country. And the thing about it is that not only of course the ruination of us culturally and economically, and as a matter of national security, but what an affront this is, to all of the naturalized Americans and their families in this country who waited for so long to get here, and I know there are several of you in this room who filed the fee, waited in line, underwent the criminal background checks and the medical screening, who know what a privilege it is to be in this country. Not some sort of unfettered right, not some sort of unfettered entitlement, and those of you who raised your right hand and took that oath of citizenship, swore also to "uphold the laws of the Constitution of the United States of America against those enemies foreign and domestic, so help me God".

And the last time I checked that oath, still written in English, there wasn't an exemption for immigration laws. You swear to uphold all the laws. Somebody needs to remind all those officeholders who took that oath that that exemption is not in there. I mean, that's something you would expect the liberal Supreme Court Justices to interpret, to read into it, but it's not there, not the last time I checked.

I had a prayer that Mohammed Atta had in his luggage that was abandoned. I just want to end with that:

"Crave death," this said in his neat little handwriting. "Make sure that nobody is following you. Bring knives, your will, IDs, your passport. Pray, o God, you who open all doors, please open all doors for me, open all venues for me, open all avenues for me."

Our federal government continues to answer Mohammed Atta's prayer. And every doorway, every venue, every avenue, every passageway is open, not only to the Mohammed Attas and Hani Hanjours of the world whose main goal is not to embrace the American dream, but to destroy it. Those doors are open to anybody who wants to flood in here, who don't care a whit about respect for the rule of law, the institutions, the greatness of our country. If this invasion is not going to be won by all those brave warriors in the halls of Congress or the White House, it's you and me. And I stand with you.

When I told people I was coming here, there were some people in the mainstream media elite who said, "You know, you shouldn't go there. Barbara Coe and CCIR - you know, those people, they're just way out there." And I said, "I'm way out there with them." We may not agree on 100% of everything, in fact my own husband doesn't agree with me 100%, but we do agree on this: That this is OUR country, that we are all Americans, and we are not ashamed to say that we should have an America that has as discriminating an immigration policy as possible. The "D Word" is not a bad word.

The other thing that people told me when they cautioned me not to come here: "You know, they may have some good points, but they're just so mad!" And now I know how to answer them, thanks to Terry Anderson. I just tell them, "If you're not mad, you're not paying attention!"


4 posted on 12/08/2002 4:37:06 PM PST by RonDog
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To: ALOHA RONNIE; SixString; gubamyster; seenenuf; daviddennis; Lady Jenn; AnnaZ; Sabertooth; madfly; .. EXTRAORDINARY FReep report from FR's own (sort of) Starr reporter...
So, what do you think of the FReep report from FR's own (sort of) Brenda Starr - STAR Reporter?

Starr of "The Flame"

Merc from "UnSpun"
(with Michelle Malkin)
She done good, eh???
7 posted on 12/08/2002 5:00:56 PM PST by RonDog
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To: Mercuria
And, finally, PART THREE of Mercuria's FReep report: the Questions from the audience and Answers from Michelle - with a final commentary by Mercuria:
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: [some questions shortened and paraphrased due to audience not being mic'ed, but many of the questions were repeated by Ms. Malkin, so all answers are in appropriate context.]

Q: [Regarding whether a spreading trend of citizen militias to encourage private property rights along the border will increase.]

A: Yes, I do. Just one word about the citizen militias. There are being called "vigilantes" by the mainstream media. And you know what? The root of the word "vigilante" is "vigilant". They are doing what the federal gov't is failing to do, and I don't consider's stunning to me that they're the ones that are considered "outlaws". They're not the ones breaking the law!

They're not vigilantes, they're patriots. And you know, it kind of reminds of the situation in NYC in the 1980s when there was a violent crime epidemic, and I really do see an analogy between how that epidemic was solved and how the state of immigration anarchy that we are suffering under will be solved. In NYC, criminologists came up with the broken windows theory of crime control. And what they discovered is that, is when you ignore the small signs of disrepair, those signs that nobody cares or nobody's in charge, for example, with broken windows. They're an open invitation to more violent crime.

And it's the same thing with broken fences. If nobody's going down there except for people like Bob Eggle to fix the broken fences, then it spreads. That's what mestastizes, that's the epidemic, and it leads to much more violent and menacing crimes. Not only murders like the murders of David March and Kris Eggle, but terrorism. Do they not see the nexus? Do they not see that we need to put armed military on our border to help so that the people, so that the citizens don't have to do it.

Q: What do you say to the argument that nobody else wants to do all these jobs, fix the roofs and mop the floors and work in restaurants. What's your answer to that?

A: Bull. Seriously, I mean, there are two answers to that. One is, of course, there are millions of people around the world who would love to do those jobs, people who are highly educated, in fact, who would gladly throw away their M.A.s or Ph.D.s for the opportunity to come here and just be able to live the American dream.

When I was in Houston, I met an Ethiopian taxi driver. He came here legally, he had an advanced math degree, but he was willing to do that job nobody else wanted to do. And we were talking because he asked me what I was doing, what kind of business I was doing, and I talked about my book. He was very enthusiastic about it. And actually, he talked about how he was really annoyed with other people from his country who come here and don't speak our language, and he said, "I don't understand what they're doing here. It's like they don't want to be an American!"

Now, I've heard that same refrain wherever I've gone. I'm not making this up. When I was in Palm Beach, Florida, I met a guy at my hotel who was Swedish. I mean he said the same thing. There is a huge Swedish population, apparently, in Palm Beach. Eleven thousand. And when new Swedish emigres come here legally, they settle in this part of Palm Beach, and it's sort of like the ghetto. I mean, it's Balkanized, everybody speaks Swedish and stays with their favorite Swedish customs and families, and after a couple of weeks, after he arrived here, some 13-14 years ago, he said, "They don't want to be American. I want to be an American!" This Swedish guy!

And the same again from all across the country. The other serious part of your question, of course, is if many of these businesses would pay the proper wages, there'd be plenty of people here to do the jobs that you mentioned.

Q: As an engineer, I don't see how we can possibly solve the problem by trying to catch the hordes coming. They have to be prevented from coming. However, how do you see us being able to solve what I call the Berlin Wall Syndrome? I mean, if we were ever able to build a barrier on the border with Mexico all across the 100 yard ditch filled with piranha fish, or a 50 foot concrete wall. I mean, as a proposal I think it would be shouted down, but still, because of the Berlin Wall, how would you deal with the idea of a physical prevention of invasion?

A: That's a fantastic question. I think there are many paths that we have to attack this on. And the first would be to shut off all those magnets that are bringing people here in the first place. And again, that would simply entail enforcing the laws that are already on the books. How about those federal employment sanctions that have been on the books since 1986? How about repealing the laws that have been passed attracting people here by rewarding them with drivers licenses? And discounted college tuition as I mentioned earlier? And eventually amnesty. This is why the amnesty battle is so important. We really have to rally into the battle with the battle cry, both native-born Americans and naturalized Americans who came here legally - "No more amnesty, period."

Just to finish quickly, I think also getting serious about deportation. And fixing that broken deportation system. I'd like to suggest you visit the website Juan Mann is a brave soul who is out there, who has brought attention to a problem that the mainstream media has no idea about. And that is the shadowy bureaucracy that handles this process and has basically sabotaged it. I mean, how can we have any control over the immigration if we can't kick out the people, the worse of the worst, we know are here?

Q: Do you think the two DC snipers who had the country in total fear leading right up to our election this year, acted alone?

A: No, I don't think they did. I think that there were probably a lot of other illegal aliens from Jamaica and Antigua who helped them out. And they have yet to be tracked down.

Q: [When asked whether there's a chance that things can be turned around in the Republican Party, seeing that the Democrats were corrupt from the get-go on the issue.]

A: Well, there have been successes. Look at this past spring. President Bush and Tom Daschle and Dick Gephardt all wanted 245(i), the amnesty provision, attached to the border security law, and because of grassroots immigration reformers and a backlash, an overwhelming backlash from people who listen to talk radio and who educated themselves about 245(i), it was stripped at the last minute. Thank you, Tom Tancredo and the House Immigration Reform Caucus.

And you, with those phone calls and letters. A lot of people say, "Oh, you know, I'm not gonna call, I'm not gonna vote, nobody pays attention. They did. 245(i) was not in the final law. So keeping up that pressure and sustaining it is what we need to do. And I think especially now since this latest amnesty push, or legalization push, whatever Clintonian linguistics they're using now to describe rewarding lawbreakers, I think that the juggernaut can be stopped. I really do.

Also, I add this, that more and more public officials are coming out and stepping up to the plate. There's the Virginia state attorney general, for example, who's now demanded that public universities not enroll illegal aliens. Good for him. The Kansas School Board candidates and district attorneys in Pennsylvania also are making news for coming out and saying and doing the right thing. So that's got to be encouraging.

Q: [Regarding how to deal with polling on issues where illegal immigration is not even addressed.]

A: Send back the poll with INVASION written in black marker and a note that you are not going to contribute to the Republican National Committee until they put it on their polls.

Q: You have the ear of Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly who have a wide audience. They are talking up this, not amnesty, but guest worker program that they say, "Well, we don't want amnesty, but we'll go for a guest worker program." I wish you would ask them, whenever somebody brings that up, how is it if you have a guest worker program, fine, and you want say a million illegals working here as guest workers. How is that going to stop the other illegals? How are we going to get the 8, 9 million other illegals out of this country? I mean, how are they going to do that? There's nothing. They have no solution. This guest worker program seems to be gaining steam, but that's still not going to stop the illegals that are here and get them out, and stop others that are coming in.

A: It's a big rhetorical cop-out. A lot of conservatives who kind of straddle on this issue, and I'll do what I can and I have been doing what I can. When people ask me about those kind of programs, the guest worker programs, I kind of draw back the focus a little and I'd say, "We have to talk about the national question." Is this what we want, for our country to be treated as sort of a Rent-A-Country? I mean, I thought the whole idea of immigration period is that people were coming here permanently because we wanted to become part of the American mainstream, not be transients back and forth and milk all the benefits from one country and then toddle back home. That's not what it's supposed to be about.

Q: How are we going track those guys? They can't track the people now!

A: I absolutely - I just go nuts when I hear them making the national security argument for bracero programs, it just doesn't make any sense.

Q: Have you got any reaction from President Bush? How do you think he'd react to your book? Maybe you should send him an autographed copy!

A: I don't know that my book is allowed anywhere near 100 feet of the White House. There is one woman from the Republican Club in Sugar Land who said she was a high school friend of Laura Bush's, she did get a signed copy for her.

Q: [You have become a genius on the subject. We are the citizens. What is the single most important thing, besides contacting our Congressman and Senator, that we should do to stop this awful invasion?]

A: You're already doing it. I mean, here you are, and you're concentrating on what you can do in your own neighborhood. Certainly there's little we can do to ensure that the Homeland Security Department, for example, is doing its job. We can't be there. But we can be at the local 7-11 where we know there are illegal aliens, day laborers hanging out. We should get on the case of employers that we know are employing illegal aliens.

And we can demand the DAs in our cities to help enforce our laws. Repeal Special Order 40, for God's sake!

Q: [Regarding the courts - including our Supreme Court - who have been both implicit and explicit in their assistance to provide cover for illegal aliens, such as their stonewalling of Prop 187.]

A: Fodder for Invasion 2.

Q: [Do you believe it may take another 9/11 to open people's eyes to this? Your gut reaction?]

A: My gut reaction, is, yeah, that's probably what'll do it. You know, one of the things a lot of open borders people hide behind is they keep pointing out that 19 of the September 11 hijackers came in legally. And so that all the blame lies in the state departments and the consulate offices abroad. And that if we simply fiddled around with visa issuance and beefed up our intelligence resources, that would solve the problem.

Of course, the open borders people don't want you to look at the south, and the north, and those open doorways, not only again for those millions of illegal aliens who are from Mexico, but the OTMs - the Other-Than-Mexicans. The hundreds of thousands of unknown illegal aliens from the Middle East, from places like Pakistan and Yemen and Morocco, who probably aren't coming here to wash dishes or mow lawns.

Q: [There has been a discussion about changing electorate - not only the huge illegal alien problem, but now California is the first minority state. Most of us are Republicans, and we are disenchanted. For them, it's become all about votes. As long as that's most important, we won't get through, and more pro-illegals will rule the elections. Do you see a solution?]

A: Again, as I said, no more amnesty. It seems to be the way, but it may be the last stand.

Q: I'm a police officer, and thousands of us know where all illegals are. We are told we must stand by the chiefs and city councils. Can you research and write articles, and call these chiefs what they are - cowards?

A: First, thank you for doing what you do. ... I wrote this past week for, another great resource, talking about this politically-correct attitude among police chiefs, which again undermines national security and threatens our public safety. Because it's all of those local cops who are so frustrated who would love to be able to help federal immigration authorities and are always hearing from the INS whining about how they're understaffed, and undermanned and underresourced, but they're not using the resources that are available, those cops on the beat on the street on the front lines, who could be helping out.

And I talked about Special Order 40, or the formal sanctuary policy in NYC. And Ground Zero, where illegal aliens helped kill the people of NYC, where Michael Bloomberg, just weeks after September 11, was announcing to all the illegal aliens there, that they didn't have anything to worry about, that they were going to make sure the city employees still didn't cooperate with federal immigration authorities, and that his main job as mayor was to provide them with city services.

Q: Have you ever considered writing a column on MEChA?

A: Yes. So many people have given me information on that, and there's Invasion 3, I mean you could do a whole book on it, and yes, keep reading my columns.

Q: Is there legal recourse for crime victims of illegal aliens?

A: As I record in my book, there is the case of a widow in Washington state, Billie Saunders, whose husband was a trooper who was gunned down by an illegal alien who had been deported several times, committed several crimes, and then was allowed to take advantage of "voluntary departure". Of course he voluntarily returned, and at a routine traffic stop, gunned Billie Saunders' husband, James Saunders, in cold blood, in the head. And he died, he died before his son was born.

And Billie Saunders is now suing the INS and I talked to the lawyer in the case a couple of weeks ago, and they were in discovery, and he believes they will be heading to trial... We'll see. I mean, a lot of people tell me that the chances are really slim. However, she stood up, she's doing it, and more victims should. I don't see why the sniping victims, for example, are not going after the INS district official and the immigration judge who made the decision to release Lee Malvo.

Q: What about legal immigration and those who come here and simply live off the welfare state?

A: Of course, again, it's a case of enforcing the laws that are already on the books. They're supposed to abide by a deeming pledge, for example, that they're not supposed to go on welfare and get public benefits. If we simply enforced that law, maybe there wouldn't be such a huge problem.

I do call in my book for having a freeze, at least, to start with, the issuance of temporary tourist business and student visas to places that are essentially breeding grounds for anti-American terrorism. I mean, why are we letting people from Yemen still come here to go to Disneyland when we can't track after they've come in? And that valve has remained on full speed.


Ms. Malkin, when addressed with statements rather than questions, took the time to give kudos to American Patrol as a prime news source on the issue of immigration reform and activism, and to thank a lady who is a disabled veteran for her service and for pointing out that, although we were generous with the Iraqi defectors in the Gulf War (bringing them here and paying for their housing and medical expenses), the Gulf War Veterans still struggle with their own government to receive adequate recompense and support for their service.

After receiving a citation of merit from Barbara Coe and receiving the appreciative huzzahs of the packed house, Ms. Malkin thanked us all for spending Thanksgiving evening with her, and returned to her chair behind the table, in front of which queued a long line of well-wishers.

With her busy schedule, I was impressed with her cheerful, friendly stamina at the end of a long day.

Especially when the national battle of the Border Disorder is getting especially heated...and far from an end in sight.

But from what I witnessed, there's plenty of tiger in this lady to face the big jackals - and coyotes - on both sides of the aisle and in the media.

Thank you, Lord, for blessing us with tigers for truth.


FRONT: Lady Jenn, gubamyster
BACK: ALOHA RONNIE, Mercuria, RonDog
November 27, 2002

Photo Credit: S. Brents, 2002©
Reprinting by permission only.


11 posted on 12/08/2002 5:13:13 PM PST by RonDog
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To: RonDog; Mercuria
Good job Merc!
13 posted on 12/08/2002 5:34:19 PM PST by oldvike
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To: RonDog
How about organizing a peaceful assembly of citizens at locations like the "7/11", equipped with cameras to record the activities, especially the people who hire these CRIMINALS. Once the employers are identified, organize very public boycotts of their businesses, inform their customers that they are supporting terrorists and criminals, and hopefully by causing a reduction in their incomes to encourage them to comply with the laws already on the books.
16 posted on 12/08/2002 5:56:21 PM PST by eldoradude
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To: Mercuria; AnnaZ
You two and Michelle Malkin sound and look to me like three female superheros! What a team of freedom fighters!
18 posted on 12/08/2002 6:33:59 PM PST by Travis McGee
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To: Mercuria; RonDog; Victoria Delsoul; Pokey78; JohnHuang2; MeeknMing; rdb3; mhking; BOBTHENAILER; ...
Merc, Ron, thanks for the report and the post. Well done.

I'm sorry I missed the Garden Grove meet, but I was on my way to Thanksgiving at my borther's.




Post here to the thread if you'd like to be on the Michelle Malkin list.

36 posted on 12/09/2002 7:51:09 AM PST by Sabertooth
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To: RonDog; Mercuria
Great report, thank you so much for posting it. Sorry I couldn't get down to Garden Grove, I had an army coming for Thanksgiving the next day. I won't miss her if she returns to southern CA.
40 posted on 12/09/2002 10:38:11 AM PST by janetgreen
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