Typical, the RATS liberals and other DUmmies use getapo like tactics to vent their anger. They lost big time and know they aree a dying breed. And they have the nerve to call us nazis.
All these wackos claim to love the environment but they pollute the streets with their ugly grafitti and their stupid antiwar flyers (which I always rip down because posting flyers is against the law).
In NYC in my neighborhood there must be one of these DUmmy BArtcop loving wackos because he keeps writing STOP BUSH and BUSH NAZI everywhere. It's ok, because people cross out the NAZI and write "WINS" and the cross out the BUSH in STOP BUSH so it says "STOP IRAQ".
The DFL is already getting violent here in Minnesota.
There's nothing more agressive and vicious than a rabid RAT that has been cornered.