This same statement was made on CNN intl yesterday by the French delegate to the EU in a 4-way conversation with the German and British delegates and the CNN moderator. The Brit was very relaxed and young and affable and didn't need to point out that the Brits will do as they will in their own self interests without making 90 degree course corrections.
Another elephant in the living room: Fundamentalist and proseletyzing Christianity is outlawed in France and to a degree in Germany. Baptists aren't allowed to seek converts and standard American run of the mill "christian" lifestyle is near illegal and frowned upon.
Breakdown the barrier to fundamental christian renewal in both protestant and catholic traditions and you will see the rebirth of Europe. Otherwise all you will have is Medieval oppression without the Christian overtones. Ditto for Vatican organization - self censorship in Europe and Canada and propaganda distribution is at an all time high.