Neither alternative is desirable, but as the deer population continues to explode, suburban residents may have to opt for one or the other. They *are* opting... to just 'adjust.' That is the default. (and it's stupid IMO)
The answers are pretty obvious to me in populated/residential areas:
Special BOW hunts!
Iowa has instituted special hunts in and around major cities in the NE part of the state. Cedar Rapids tried to do an 'inside city limits' bowhunt, but too many complaints from idiot tree-hugger neighbors killed it. Complaints from tree-hugging idiot neighbors have completely screwed my special zone hunt up this year as well, even though it's outside city limits.
The interesting thing is that Waterloo has maintained an area hunt for several years now. The town itself is much more blue-collar, and I think that has a lot to do with it. No uppety, detached from reality SG-types demanding that overpopulation is "natural."