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Islam - Green Wall Of Silence - III ( Tashbih Sayyed
PakToday ^
| 11.25.2002
| Tashbh Sayyed
Posted on 11/25/2002 9:15:40 AM PST by swarthyguy
-Crimes against humanity like the gang rapes, honor killings, murders of Christians, Hindus and Shias, etc. Are daily happenings in Muslim societies like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran. In fact, to the outsiders, these inhuman acts have come to represent Islam. Mullah's Green Wall of Silence, protecting and endorsing the barbarism, has traditionally and historically been so high that it has obscured the true face of Islam. Silence of those who claim to represent Islam, has made it impossible for the non-Muslims to distinguish between the sick Muslim sociology and the true Islamic theology.
Wahabbi preachers consider modernity a downfall of humanity. Education to them is corruption and freedoms are perversions. Speaking at an Al-Riyadh mosque, Sheikh Fahd Bin Abd Al-Rahman Al-'Abyan said: "Some people have been influenced by the putrid ideas spread by the infidel West about the [Islamic principle of] man's custodianship over the woman. On the face of it, these ideas appear to protect the woman's rights. But in truth, their goal is to push the people into sinful liberty that has caused the downfall of [entire] societies. [In the West] this false liberty has engendered a society with crime as its hobby, adultery as its entertainment, and murder as its means of sublimating rage; a society in which the number of illegitimate children approaches and sometimes even surpasses the number of children from permitted unions
a society in which the woman does as she pleases even if she is married... a society in which underage girls know and do what married women know and do, and even more
These putrid ideas - no more than conceptual trash disseminated by the West - have begun to appear in the whorish journals and on the [Arab] satellite channels
Since the Wahabbi preachers of Saudi Arabia are the main source of this dark culture, Arab men are running amuck around the poor Muslim countries destroying the lives of women with impunity.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Editorial; Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: islam; islamic; jihad; moderatemuslim; sayyed; secularislam; secularmuslim
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Our friends and allies.
To: swarthyguy
. . . a society in which underage girls know and do what married women know and do . . . As opposed to a society in which underage boys know and do what grown fags know and do.
To: LibWhacker
To: swarthyguy
Good read. Thanks for posting.
posted on
11/25/2002 9:20:15 AM PST
To: swarthyguy
Nothing more painful to watch than a culture in psychotherapy. Perhaps Babs will contribute to their rehab.
posted on
11/25/2002 9:21:07 AM PST
To: mgc1122
You welcome. Now if he could run this site in Pakistan, we could have some hope. But he's in exile -political asylum - hear in the USA because he'd be dead in Pakistan.
To: swarthyguy
What?! You haven't read about our men in uniform being swarmed by Afghan fags? Homosex is quite prevelant in moooooooselim society and the corruption of boys begins while they are still toddlers.
To: swarthyguy
If Islam is a religion of peace, the "peaceful" Moslems need to speak up now.
posted on
11/25/2002 9:30:21 AM PST
To: LibWhacker
OK, Understood. As they say, women are for breeding, boys are for pleasure.
To: Sparta
He has. Kabbani has. Palazzi has. Fadl has.
But they DO NOT get invited to the WH for ramzan. Only the Saudis and their CAIR, AMC etc do.
To: swarthyguy
To: swarthyguy
That's islam for you...freaking curse on mankind!
posted on
11/25/2002 9:36:30 AM PST
To: swarthyguy
That's islam for you...freaking curse on mankind!
posted on
11/25/2002 9:36:55 AM PST
To: USMMA_83
You can say that again.
Guys like Sayyed remind me of King Canute trying to turn back the waves.
To: swarthyguy
Of course, all middle eastern Muslims coming to America, magically leave these views and characteristics behind when they cross onto our shores.........
posted on
11/25/2002 9:40:47 AM PST
To: swarthyguy
Education to them is corruption and freedoms are perversions. War is Peace. Ignorance is Strength. Freedom is Slavery. This is what is meant by Big Brother!
To: umgud
American muslims are in the forefront and vanguard of a reformation and renaissance in islamic thought. {snicker}
To: America's Resolve
"Down with Beauty"
Nigerian nutcases looting Christian property and killing their fellow "peoples of the book".
To: umgud
Yeah, that's the biggest joke of all. YOu should have seen this interview of the news reader for BBC based in DC. She's British, born of Pakistani parents. She went on and on about Islam being THE religion of peace. "If only American's took time to study the Koran..." she said. The BBC US News service has tilted towards the Islamic point of view...I think this is deliberate on BBC's part. They are forceable trying to interject the "Islamic" point of view. I think this sucks big time.
posted on
11/25/2002 9:52:03 AM PST
To: swarthyguy; Dog Gone
Isn't the silence on Pakistani issues from that dog gone fool deafening?
posted on
11/25/2002 9:57:16 AM PST
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