I heard this on the Dolans last night, and I'm still trying to figure out exactly what's funny about it.
In the early 80s a road show came to the Dallas Musical Hall. It starred Mickey Rooney and Ann Miller. It was a collection of Vaudeville routines. Like the Olson and Johnson revues of the 40s and Laugh In of the late 60s, this type of humor is ageless. My favorite shtick was the traveling vendor who would cross the stage carrying a clutch of helium filled ballons. He would hawk his wares by announcing in a loud voice, "RUBBER BALLOONS!" Of course his shouts would always conincide with the other dialogue with risque results. Court Scene and Ann is being interrogated by Mickey the Lawyer and the Judge. Ann won't cooperate and Mickey turns to the judge and says, "Your Honor what can I do?" Silence, then..."Rubber Balloons!"
I have a tape of some of the old Abbott and Costello shows and still enjoy "Who's on First?"