There would not be a pro-life movement in the US without Catholics. Practically every pro-life organization is either led by Catholics or has a heavy Catholic presence. Catholics are undeniably the backbone of the pro-life movement.
Evangelical pro-life activism came late to the game; there were Catholics fighting the legalization of abortion before Roe v. Wade. (I know that because my aunt was one of them before my age reached double-digits; I'm 42 now.)
Where the rubber meets the road is the BALLOT BOX.
Evangelicals vote overwhelmingly Repub. Catholics vote overwhelmingly Democrat. The Democrats are the reason Roe v Wade is still on the books. Take away their RCC vote, and the Demos would be out of business and so would the abortion racket.
You will come back and say that the Roman Catholics who vote relentlessly Democrat are "not the right kind of catholics" or somesuch.
If that's the case Campion, maybe it's time for Roman Catholicism to REVISE DOWNWARDS their ludicrously inflated numbers, eh?
The witness of the bishops, archbishops, and chanceries has been much less noticeable. This is especially true in the case of their attitude towards leading politicians who benefit from their Catholic status while ferociously defending the most barbaric forms of the abortion license.
Surely you cannot dispute that the love of Massachusetts Catholics for Senator Kennedy is due in part to the fact that their archbishop publicly fawns on him.
Now, you will object (not without some justice) that all I have done is point out that the Catholic Church contains sinners (Law and Kennedy, in this case). But the Catholic Church makes unique claims about its institutional structure, and unique claims for the authority of bishops and archbishops. If these claims are true, it is very reasonable to ask, "Why do Kennedy, and Pelosi, and Cuomo, etc, etc continue to enjoy the favor of their bishops when they are responsible for the most vile atrocities against the most innocent?"