To: realpatriot71
Let me describe it: it tastes like a Coors Light diluted with soda water @ about a 1:4 beer:water ratio. Which is why I'll never drink it. I know I'll come across as a snob to some, but I just can't drink the mass-produced American beer like Budweiser, Coors, Miller or Michelob. It's swill to me. To me, beer should be filling. I consider it more of a food then a drink.
To: SamAdams76
Then how can you possibly drink sam adams beer? It's basically budwieser with a higher alcohol content.
now samuel smith....that's a beer you can sink your teeth into. MMMMM, oatmeal stout....yummy.
To: SamAdams76
I do enjoy "tasty" beers (with dinner or such), but, when I'm not "messin' around," I normally prefer beers that I can pound rather rapidly. It's a habit I picked up in high school and have yet to grow out of :-) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson