Their ignorance of and contempt for the nature of property is astounding.
So how many of us up here should quit using our wells? I guess according to someone it should belong to the government and not us then we can pay them for water right? MCD
"It's flowing across MY land, therefore it's MY water, and F*** EVERYONE ELSE!" Their ignorance of and contempt for the nature of property is astounding.To: Roscoe; Poohbah
Hey, it worked out very well for the government at Klamath Falls.
The farmers paid for constructing the lake, and then had to pay the government for the use of water they had a legal comtract to.
The farmers owned outright water the government forced them to pay to access.
MSCASEY, it's far better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all remaining doubts, as you just did.