I didn't realize that John Edward's show is a religious scam. I've watched it extensively, and there is absolutely NO religious content. Makes me think that YOU have NOT watched him.
As for him helping people, I had suffered the loss of my Dad and my favorite nephew, within two months of each other. I began watching John Edward, and I must say, he made me realize that I should open my eyes and be aware that there ARE "messages" being sent. No need for a medium, he even SAYS that. And I do get the messages now, quite frequently. Thanks to John Edwards.
We scheduled a reading to be done over the phone(for $ 100.00), and we sent a certified bank check.
My wife and I were both on the phone for the reading, and the first thing that came up was an older woman. - BTW - if you ever do these - you never offer any information. Answer yes, no or maybe. Anyway - the older woman could have been described as anybody's garndmother... finally the medium told us "... She says you have her table..." and "...She's saying you have picture's out, and she's asking(in a joking way), 'Where's my picture'..." Remember - this is over the phone.
First of all - I have my Grandmother's table. Second - my wife had all sorts of pictures out - mostly of her relatives. At the time I only had a couple of pictures of my Grandfather, and none of my Grandmother.
I can't believe these things can be discerned over the phone, nor can I beieve that $100.00 could buy the time to gather this information.
Really? How'd you afford the studio, the hidden mikes, and the buses for the ringers?
Seriously, though - John Edward couldn't have made you "realize" anything, because as the above article thoroughly points out, he's a thoroughly debunked fake. Which means the messages are fakes. Which means the dead aren't talking to anybody, at least not on camera during his show.
I'm very sorry to hear of the loss of your father and nephew, but there are better people to be learning about death and afterlife from than John Edward.