Nothing to be proud about. Do you truly desire that our water be toxic where any fish eaten from that water will cause neurological damage? Air that causes lung cancer? It is simple greed that causes chemical companies to bypass EPA regulations in the manner they dump their toxic wastes. It is a matter of survival for not only us, but for our children and grandchildren.
What many polluters fail to consider is that is it THEIR children and grandchildren that will be forced to consume and breath toxins as well as the rest of us. I suppose greed causes madness to the point where they simply don't care...
Wow, that was quite a list you just put out. Obviously, the EPA has not achieved one darn thing over the years and should be abolished.
If the environment keeps getting worse since the 1970's then all of these government programs have been a total failure.
In contemporary context, the term environmentalist is associated with groups that burn homes under construction, burn or trash research labs, sue, not for merit,but to create obstruction, chain themselves to trees and damage personal vehicles because they do not fit their environmentally "correct" perceptions. The contemporary environmentalists riot in Seattle, Washington DC and Paris, obstruct justice and vandalize.
I too was once an environmentalist. I was and will always be concerned with the quality of the air that I breathe and the water that I drink. But, I will never ever, allow my ethics and my personal values be compromised to the point where I could be called an environmentalist today.