I'm saying that whether they provoke us into doing it, or do it themselves and blame us, the Islamicists would use this "Signs of Qiyamah" business as a recruiting tool to get more Muslims to sign up for the
Army of the Mahdi. Our goal should be to convince as many Muslims as possible that the "Signs of Qiyamah" are
not unfolding. I'd rather they'd go to college and learn a trade and raise a family, than that they think it's the end of the world and there's no future.
I understand your point, Dajjal. What I said very imperfectly was that I believe the Wahhabis have decided to make it so even if they have to give it a hand, so to speak. We do need to do what we can to empower every possible alternative to the Wahhabis, but we also need to see plainly that the Wahhabis want to create their "end times" as much as they want to see Qimayah in current events.