DSA recognizes that some insurgent politicians representing labor, environmentalists, gays and lesbians, and communities of color may choose to run under Democratic auspices, as in the 1988 Jesse Jackson campaign, or operate as Democrats like Senator Paul Wellstone, and the 59 Democratic members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, one-half of whom are Black and Latino and all of whom possess strong labor backing and operative social democratic politics.If the Progressive Caucus isn't outright socialist, it has very, very close ties to socialists. Its members go to socialist dinners, and one of the directors is an outright socialist. If there was a Republican who had an association like this with fascist or racist groups, there would be no hesitation to call him on it. Nobody would say "well, he isn't a racist, but his friends are" or "he isn't really a fascist, he just wants a little more order in our society."Electoral tactics are only a means for DSA; the building of a powerful anti-corporate and ultimately socialist movement is the end. Where third party or non-partisan candidates represent significant social movements DSA locals have and will continue to build such organizations and support such candidates. DSA honored independent socialist Congressperson Bernie Sanders of Vermont at our last convention banquet, and we have always raised significant funds nationally for his electoral campaigns. At the same time, we were pleased to have Democratic Congressperson and Progressive Caucus member Bob Filner of San Diego introduce Sanders at the convention, and note that Progressive Caucus member Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) will be honored at our annual Debs-Thomas-Harrington dinner this Spring in Chicago.
And what about this:
Electoral tactics are only a means for DSA; the building of a powerful anti-corporate and ultimately socialist movement is the end. Where third party or non-partisan candidates represent significant social movements DSA locals have and will continue to build such organizations and support such candidates.
This would seem to argue that they're NOT "running" the show for the Progressive Caucus, it's just the biggest "horse" they can find to hitch their wagon to right now. Again, I'm not arguing that some of the members of the Progressive Caucus might not be socialists - Bernie Sanders even says he is. I'm just saying this doesn't prove the point that Pelosi is a socialist because she's a member of the Progressive Caucus. The Progressive Caucus and the Democratic Socialists are NOT the same entity. They ARE working together on many issues. That argues for sympathy, as you said before, but not membership.