Surprisingly, you forgot to answer my question in the 2nd part of my post:Of course not. There is no data for punk-eek. Just nice sounding hypothesis and lots of crayon work. Funny that every evolutionist with a set of crayons thinks him/herself a scientist! -me-
Who said I was a scientist?
Thanks for making my point - drawings are not scientific evidence. Anyone can draw anything, that does not make it a scientific fact.
Who said I was a scientist? I'm a computer programmer. What do you do for a living? I'm guessing widely published & respected historian of science...
I did not forget. I view these discussions as a clash of ideas. I am not interested in the qualifications of anyone. The main concern for me is the truth of the statements made, not their provenance. Very intelligent people, very informed people can lie, very stupid and uninformed people can have brilliant true insights. So I do not go by titles or reputations. I would more honor a person who leads a decent life, raises a good family by menial work than a certain President. I would more likely accept that hard worker's opinions than those of X42. In addition to which, I have found that many people on the internet are not what they claim to be, so I do not waste my time with such claims and make none for myself.
While you may disagree with some of the above, I am sure you will agree with the following: let people judge my statements for their own worth - there certainly are enough on these threads to make a judgement on!