While it is never a pleasant experience to meet police, exactly how many gun owners complained and what was the specific harm that they experienced?
That's a ridiculous question. "Exactly how many"! Oh boy .... there's no argument that a person willing to delude himself cannot declare himself the victor of. Well, HOORAY, you have won! No one of sanity and reason can make a hairs-width of headway with you!
Please go celebrate.
Your experience is far different than mine I have never once had a problem meeting police. When occaisionally someone has come to the door I have invariably invited them in and not had a problem but then again I have not had a problem with police trying to enforce some non law.
exactly how many gun owners complained and what was the specific harm that they experienced? More than six had complained of guns being volunteered for ballistic testing and not being returned to the owners after completion of the test. If you had read the above and been following RKBA news sites you would have been aware of this. Clearly property taken and not returned is a major problem especially when one is talking about a Constititionally protecte3d item like one's arms. The fact that at first many gun owners had volunteered their property and not been treated courteously when after sufficient time ( a day or less) to get the ballitic sample(s) for testing is the underlying problem and this was explained in the article.
When the FBI does things correctly I do praise them and I know several Agents who have my deepest respect but when the management allows them to behave as jack booted thugs they alienate the people they need the most that is the ordinary citizens who would normally cooperate.
You asked for specifics. Yu have been given specifics. Had a state or local Law Enforcement agency I would also criticise them but the FBI is supposed to be the best Law Enforcement operation in the nation. Given their history over the past couple of years one may reasonably state that they are FUBAR and need to get their act together. Obviously when an organization gets is not performing adequately the senior andf the middle management needs profound changes. I do not need to go into the litany of problems here. Will the current director who has been in his post only a little more than a year fix things. I certainly hope so.
What I do not like is seeing an us vs them attitude regarding Federal Law enforcement agents. We can not afford the non cooperation of the American people.