Only one of them seems to believe my earnings do not belong to me. Only one of them had the gall to lie to me about my own field (engineering/physics). And only one of them is going to spend my confiscated income on windmills even after I explicited spelled out why it was a waste of my money.
If Allard would get serious about reducing taxes,government waste, or protecting the Bill of Rights, I might vote for him. When I met him he was helping a company exclude itself from burdensome regulation in exchange for a fund raiser. I would prefer to see him attack the crippling regulation, but somehow I don't think he will do that. After all, that is the source of these people's power. First you rob and cripple people with regulation and taxes and then you secure political power by allowing certain organizations to exclude themselves from the rules or share in the loot.
This sort of behavior is killing this country.