Not one homosexual pedophile who rapped a child is in prison. What's that tell you? Who's in charge, anyway?
The point of confession is not to have our sins forgiven.....The point is to "go and sin no more."
How do you know the Lord has forgivin your sins? Holy E-Mail? The Lord already said "Go and sin no more." Why say it again? Don't they already teach that in your church?
We don't "pray" to statues. ....What the Church teaches how one is to treat "sacred images" ....
"You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of heaven......"(Commandment # 2)
Yes, the saints are dead, because in order to be a saint, you have to be dead.
"Why do you speak to the dead? Leave the dead to the dead, and follow me."
Wrong! you are forgetting Goegan(ph) in Boston.