To: The Wizard
Byrd is a glaring example of why we need term limits. The idea that the electorate will terminate their represenative when he is no longer fit for office, for whatever reason, has proven to a liability for this country.
Sad day indeed when we must await the grim reaper to remove professional politicians from office, because the electorate is not capable of doing what is best for the country.
21 posted on
10/10/2002 4:05:37 PM PDT by
To: cynicom
Yep, the founders had too much faith in the Congress. In their day, honor was still a living virtue and a man's word was his bond. Also in their day, travel was difficult and most Congressmen and Senators left their families back home. There was no way they could foresee powered flight and its effects. Lastly, all members in that time made their living either off the land or off their businesses, not off their Congressional income. So the founders thought it would be a rare man who would want to serve in Congress for more than a few terms. Even their genius did not foresee a day when term limits would be necessary to prevent Representatives and Senators from becoming the professional type of politician that the founders abhorred. Unfortunately, since a term limits amendment to the Constitution would have to go through Congress, we will never see term limits for Congressional offices.
40 posted on
10/10/2002 4:21:03 PM PDT by
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