Carly Fiorina has got to go! She's taken a once great company with world-class solutions and is reducing it to a commodity based, consumer driven company.
I've been working with (not for) HP for more than a decade amd have deployed their Unix, Storage & Software solutions at almost every company I've worked for since 1990. HP used to provide excellent integrated services aimed at high reliability and excellent service. That's all gone.
As one of HP's Bravo Award Winners for Technical Excellence in 2001 (and there's only 25 of those in the world) I can tell you point blank that the "New HP" sucks rocks! Fiorina has jettisoned every HP person worth their salt in favor of Compaq's employees & management. Compaq's people don't know diddly about the high end storage market or high end Unix Server & services market. Yet, somehow - magically I suppose - they're going to replace the years of experience HP's people had with these dolt's from Compaq. Brilliant move Carly ... not!
The best thing that could happen to HP is for it's BOD to get smart and dump that stupid b*tch Carly Fiorna. First she screwed up Lucent, now she's doing it to HP!
It sounds stupid, but I think they made that switch out of desperation. The America electronics industry which was the market for much of their test equipment moved overseas en-masse in the mid 70's. American manufacturing followed in the late 80's and 90's.
It's my sense that America doesn't use much electronic test equipment any more. No factories = no test equipment.
I didn't realize this was her strategy at HP - if so it's plain and simple corporate suicide. Gosh, it was the scientific and medical equipment markets that put HP on the market. It's crazy to divest of lucrative niches in exchange for fighting for lowest price in techno-commodities.