I've read some mention in the threads about the diploma mill allegation. I will say this, I've read a number of reports but did not ever find a description of both cars (one was identified as a "Honda" and that is all that I've seen). For all of the details that were reported repeatedly (correct or wrong) there was a lot of basic information that never came out. There was also a claim that 400 cars pulled them over. I never saw footage but I think that the number was scaled down to 1 car (initally) and then a few more.
I was unable to get the video link to work (the javascript on the NBC webpage is not working for me and I couldn't find the video on another site).
Is there video of the police detonating something from the mens' trunk? A Florida paper article that served to dispell a number of the charges mentioned that the police did not detonate a bag containing blasting caps but it was unclear from the reference if anything was detonated.
Some people have posted that they saw such footage "live" as the story was breaking (did the media broadcast live from the scene of the arrest? How soon did they get there?)
There are people who were certain that the JFK assassination footage ran over and over on the day that JFK was shot but the Zapruder film was not broadcast on tv until 1975 by Geraldo Rivera. Sequential frames from the film did appear in Life magazine (as they originally purchased the film from Mr. Zapruder).