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Live Thread: Bush Speech to U.N.
| September 12, 2002
Posted on 09/12/2002 7:02:45 AM PDT by Howlin
Live discussion and comments about Bush's speech to the U.N. today, and the reaction to it.
TOPICS: Breaking News; Constitution/Conservatism; Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: iraq; jebbushsucks; sanctions; un; votemcbride
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To: Corporate Law
Delusional is the key word and you are correct. Kofi baby wants to lift the sanctions on poor little Saddam. This is sickening.
To: justshe
kofi says it's the world's fault that Afganistan fell into trouble
To: Admin Moderator
Let me reframe that .. KEEP THIS THREAD
posted on
09/12/2002 7:20:10 AM PDT
To: Admin Moderator
What say you, Freepers?At the risk of not being "politically correct," I'd say pull the other one - this one only has a zillion responses and more piling up all the time.
posted on
09/12/2002 7:20:31 AM PDT
To: Admin Moderator
I'll go wherever you send me as long as you do it QUICK before Bush starts talking.
I'm easy. :D
To: Admin Moderator
I'd keep this thread simply due to the overwhelming use.
To: LisaFab
This dope is dellusional. How did he get this job?
To: Texas_Jarhead
You can bet with him it's NEVER the guilty party's fault. He's sort of the Wendy Murphy of the international set.
posted on
09/12/2002 7:21:04 AM PDT
To: A Citizen Reporter
Well, it has been 10 years. Just how long does he think we should talk? Until we see that talks will not work because he has attacked the U.S. and killed hundreds of thousands?
posted on
09/12/2002 7:21:05 AM PDT
To: mass55th
Don't you love how Coffee is telling Bush which priorities are important, and how he should be doing his job, yet the U.N. hasn't been doing theirs for the past 10+ years.The UN can't pass gas without our help, but are first in line to criticize.
posted on
09/12/2002 7:21:09 AM PDT
To: Texas_Jarhead
kofi says it's the world's fault that Afganistan fell into trouble And Gosh Golly Gee .. who has been in charge of the UN??
posted on
09/12/2002 7:21:10 AM PDT
To: Admin Moderator
To: Wait4Truth
. That's why he decided to give his speech BEFORE the President. It's an upstaging in the style of bill clinton. That just makes him stupid. If W gives a straightforward speech, Kofi's just gonna look dumb. Even the UN folks can tell the difference between a bureacrat and a leader.
posted on
09/12/2002 7:21:19 AM PDT
To: Right_in_Virginia
Bill Clinton.
posted on
09/12/2002 7:21:21 AM PDT
To: dawn53
Sounds like a clinton speech, doesn't it?
To: Mo1
I wonder if everyone is going to get a copy of
A Decade of Deceit and Defiance?
Wendell Goler had a copy that was given to him this morning.
I believe we are going to see some neat stuff.
To: Howlin
Maybe the 'ludes have gone past their expiration date?
To: hellinahandcart
applause becuase kofi is done
To: ClancyJ
Whew ......he is done!!
posted on
09/12/2002 7:21:33 AM PDT
To: Howlin
Khofi is just whining that he is to big enough to play with the big boys
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