read the article properly, its a pun (I think that's the word). It says:
Let America perish, and let the enemies of Allah perish, and we say to America, Hubal il-'Asr, with the loudest of voices, that Allah has kept for you what you hate, for the one who died was Usaamah al-'Adani, rahimahullah, and he was the one in the khandaq of [that was built by] Shaykh Usaamah, that night - and Allah has left for you Usaamah bin Laaden alive, gaining sustenance, for he left that khandaq two nights before, to a place 200 metres"
"æáÊÎÓà ÃãÑíßÇ æáíÎÓà ÃÚÏÇÁ åÐÇ ÇáÏíä ÝÅääÇ äÞæá ( áåÈá ÇáÚÕÑ) ÈÃÚáì ÃÕæÇÊäÇ áÞÏ ÃÈÞì Çááå áßã ãÇ íÓæÄßã ÝÅä ÞÊá (ÃÓÇãÉ ÇáÚÏäí) ÑÍãå Çááå æÇáÐí ßÇä Ýí ÎäÏÞ ÇáÔíÎ ÃÓÇãÉ Êáß ÇááíáÉ - ÝÞÏ ÃÈÞì Çááå áßã ÃÓÇãÉ Èä áÇÏä Ííñ íÑÒÞ ÍíË ÊÑß ÇáÎäÏÞ ÞÈá áíáÊíä ÝÞØ Åáì ãäØÞÉ ÊÈÚÏ (200ã) áÇÛíÑ."
Get it?
And as a present for today, here is an-Nidaa`s new website:
Okay . . . now all of you, smile.
they don't seem to unhappy about this "news"?