Best not to pour it down the sink perhaps, but a drop of mercury in the yard won't hurt anything.
A DROP of mercury in one backyard will have a negligble effect, a whole nation dumping mercury in their backyards is a public health issue.
This is just another case of enviro-nuttyness.
Is that why there was zero dissent in the Senate on this vote?
Perhaps you should refresh your knowledge of Uranium before implying that atomizing a lump of Uranium and spreading it around the globe would do harm. It WILL NOT!
Is that why there was zero dissent in the Senate on this vote?
You're not really naive enough to think Senate votes are indicators of the accuracy of "scientific" claims are you?
Don't be silly. Different drops spread over different backyards will have no effect whatever.
Do you also oppose peeing in the woods on environmental grounds? Have you ever BEEN in the woods?
No, it's because Ron Paul is only a Rep...