He also hinted that in due course Mr Bush would provide "documentation" proving that Saddam has access to weapons of mass destruction.
I do believe that this administration does indeed know something that hasn't put out for mass consumption. Say what you will about this President, I don't believe he is of the character which allows him to embark on such a campaign for mere political reasons, as some of our other "leaders" have done.
When Mr Rumsfeld said in San Diego that "it is less important to have unanimity than it is to be making the right decision and doing the right thing, even though at the outset it may seem lonesome", he was telling America's allies that their views were largely irrelevant.
This is a wonderful thing; it demonstrates a willingness to put America first. Even if the fruits of such policies are not apparent initially.
The White House is determined to avoid a protracted debate on arms inspectors. Mr Cheney's contention that their readmission would "provide false confidence that Saddam was somehow back in his box" underlined this.
We've been having a protracted debate on this issue. He lost the Gulf War, and yet even to this day still refuses to comply. For a reason.
The reason is that he has been very busy developing weapons of mass destruction, and intends to use them someday, whether it be literally using them, or using them as a blackmail tool.
His plan is to buy more time to put into place what he wants. He is counting on the weak resolve of his opponents in this regard.
No, he wasn't! He was saying that as important as allies are, doing the right thing is still more important!
No matter how hard you try, the press just asserts you said what they want you to say. More swill from the commie Guardian. Bleah.