How long will it be before that SDM tells police you had the radio up too loud?
I really hate this stuff.
Not only that, but if they can see how fast you were going AFTER a crash, what's to stop them from seeing how fast you're going at any time they'd like to check?
For instance, they could rig the unit into a radio system similar to the ones GM calls the "OnStar" system. If you go over the speed limit, the damn thing could dial out and alert the "boys in blue" that you're going a bit fast. In fact, with the onboard GPS they could even see exactly where you were and send you a ticket in the mail with the date, time, location, and speed that you were traveling in excess of the posted limit.
Isn't technology great? :(
LOL they know where my car is at all times, I can disable it if I want to though.